First off, I apologise in advance if this is in the wrong section or if it is inapproprate for this forum as a whole.
I'll start by explaining a little about myself, I'm an amature writer, currently with no works published, from england. And I'm making this thread as an attempt to study peoples emotional responses to stories and why we get those responses.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not attempting to find some meta plot or something to invoke the correction emotional response for a story, I want to help improve my writing, and hopefully yours by learning what makes people respond in different ways, and I need your help to do that.
Every week or so, I'll be asking which stories on Escape Pod, Psuedopod and Podcastle got a certain response from you and what made you feel that way. I'll listen to the stories myself and try to find out what links these stories to gather these responses, or even what's different about them. And then I'll post my theories in this thread for discussion, I want to get as many different views on this as possible, and hey, it might even be fun.
For the first one, I want to know what stories you weren't or wouldn't have been ashamed to cry in public about, I know my list for this includes both Edward Bear and the very long walk and Friction. But I know there's a lot more out there in the three podcasts than that, so I want to see what you guys come up with.