I didn't have the trouble following the events (but then, I didn't have trouble following Uncanny Valley, either, which apparently threw everyone else for a total loop.) Heck, I thought they spent a little too much time explaining stuff I'd already figured out. I am disappointed at the repeated use of Uplifted dogs and never Uplifted cats as the protagonists. Everyone loves the lovable, cheerful, loyal pets and not the disdainful half-wild sociopaths, I guess.
I'd rather have heard the story of the cat's career as a nanotech gladiator, personally.
((BTW, just for reference, the magic Internet black hole is uploading to the transhuman colonies in the Darkness Between the Stars. Remember, the ones who were behind the "small animal" who helped with the Uplifting process?))
Overall, enjoyable, but it gets dinged points for being a little too busy shoving sci-fi tropes into every nook and cranny to pay enough attention to the plot. And I'm also taking ten points from Gryffindor for making me listen to the loyal'n'friendly dog instead of the cat (who probably mostly wanted to use the "retrieve the Master" project to prove its chops and get uploaded to the transhumanists rather than actually wanting the Master back.)