Pretty good. Not my favorite, for the following two reasons:
1) "Everything that matters" apparently boils down to having lots of money and sex. I get this message from advertising; I don't need it from my pleasure reading (listening?), too. Seriously, I was expecting a little more playing with the meaning of "everything that matters," since it's the title of the piece. I'd be willing to take it as, "Revenge is really what matters," except that the protagonist specifies that once he cashes in his find and gets his penis working again, he'll have everything that matters, and not until then. It just grated on me that the character doesn't seem to grow or change at all in the course of the story, except that he goes from "fish people are icky" to "hey this fish person thing is kinda neat yet also icky." I feel like "Pressure" did a much better job of exploring the impacts and costs of such extensive modification.
2) Why did Abonae give his diver the shark-bait vest BEFORE said diver had located the wreck? I mean, if you're going to kill your minion to avoid him spilling the beans and/or taking a cut, then you really ought to wait until after he's served his purposes before you send the laser-beam sharks after him. It's also more than a little convenient that the spaceship just happened to be in this spot right near the "highly territorial" animals' lair. What was the plan for killing off the protagonist if the shark didn't happen to be located accessibly? It feels very sloppy to have the constant risk that your under-the-table diver might get eaten by a shark just BEFORE he finds your ship, even if you have the beacons rigged to cast "Summon Ribbon-Shark."
I'll also ditto most of the other critiques that have been mentioned so far. Abonae's lack of other minions, uneven emotional responses from the protagonist, the fact that the doctor was so ready to jump into bed with her patient (and the fact that they seemed to have nothing in common except physical desire, which is odd given that she first saw him when he was a torso and half an arm). It all combined to make the story "pretty good" instead of "wow!"