Shiny. I really liked that the story ended at the appropriate moment; in a horror movie, that was the precise place where it goes from fun and interesting to the boring old chase scenes and death of the comic relief character.
I do think that it lost track of the initial premise, that the Primakov was never found and the only information available was from what was in the reporter's camera when it "automatically synced up" via Magical Ocean-Based Wireless connectivity and deposited what he'd recorded into some server somewhere. The problem with the dry documentary style is that while it is very chillingly realistic, it doesn't leave a lot of room for actual spookiness, and stories that adopt it tend to try and straddle the divide between "Just the facts, ma'am," and "Lovecraft." I can forgive it, but the fact that I have to forgive it means that it's a bit of a flaw, and one that niggles at me even as I shrug and enjoy the story regardless.