This struck all the wrong chords with me. I didn't like the MC or her attitude, didn't like Mel, didn't like her parents, didn't like "Midwest Vocal" guy, didn't really see the point of having the living doll thing in there for her parents at all, other than to make it more SFy,(yes, I understand that it was used to bring her parents back into her life, and the complexities thereof, but this could have been done with living people) and honestly could not bring myself to give one whit about anyone or anything in the story, other than the neat candy. Let me be clear here, this was a well written story, but just resonated with me in all the wrong ways.
I'd also like to find this one in print, and see if it works any better for me, not for lack of understanding, but because there's just something about most Kathryn Baker readings that frustrate/aggravate me. I just think she gets all the stories with bitter, negative, passive agressive female MCs. Its probably a testament to her abilities that she can read them so well that they get under my skin so much.