This story hooked me! Usually I am content to listen to the cast, pay my (meager) donation when i can afford it (working student), and keep my big mouth shut while the grown-ups talk. But I have to chime in for this one. This story managed to leave me with the impression that Dog the Digger's time/place was the normal one and We are the ones living in an exotically archaic time*.
I *think* it was mentioned in the intro; the Clark quote about any sufficiently advanced technology etc...Well in the story, the description of our paper-based information systems* had that same effect on me. It made it seem exotic and weird that we should use the mashed-up corpses of trees to store and pass information. For me, that was the point in the story that flipped me through the looking glass (er, for you Matrix Algebra geeks, it applies [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,-1] to all 3x3 xyz matrices with the xy-plane as the "looking glass").
Oh and, since this is my first post, I'll put this here: I really, really, really liked the punch-line to "Off Base".
*A respectable parlour trick.
**Ya I know, it's all going digital, but I still have to fill out forms when I go to the DMV right?