After the first few minutes, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. It seemed like it was starting slow with the talk of finding a new lover and etc...
But then when she started describing the source of power, that intrigued me enough to keep listening, and then on to the fictives, which were also very interesting, and on and on until the end. Great story! It's hard to tell a tale from the point of view of someone who is quite different from an everyday human, and do it without a massive infodump, but this does it perfectly, giving pieces of information just as they're needed, so that my understanding of the world expands comfortably as the story keeps my attention.
I thought the fact that anal sex granted her more power than other types was very cool, and it makes sense in a way that can be applied to the magical system. Very cool. The idea of the fictive decoys was really cool as well, quite clever.
Before the story started, she was so powerful, and so in control of everything, that there wasn't much of a story in that part of her life. But to start the story just at the point where she loses her power worked really well, so that we can understand her power by understanding how the lack of power affects her.
I liked that she drew sexual energy without harming the other person, and in fact giving them a grand ol' time, and that many of them she helped boost to higher forms. That made her much more sympathetic and something to root for. I also like that she was unwilling to dominate him, even when the opportunity arose.
I also liked how the "villain" was not really villainous, but just inexperienced in his new form. At the same time, he managed to be sort of sympathetic despite his lack of compassion (he seemed to know that his former bite victims died, but that didn't really seem to matter much to him).
Also, it was a really good reading by Cat Rambo. I noticed the technical issues in the first minute, but totally forgot about them after that, so a combination of good story and a good reading kept me too riveted to care.