I peeked in the forums earlier this week, looking for a "Escapepod Hiatus" entry, and didn't find any. I dropped my donations shortly after, having been well into over a month with no word.
I was going to comment on a podcastle today and noticed this thread, SO glad I did! Don't get me wrong, I really am happy for Steve and I am looking forward (hopefully) to his upcoming geek dad segments which have always been a personal favorite of mine.
But please say something!
It would only take a few minutes and would make many who do not often participate in the forums (like me) sit tight a while longer. Podcastle, Pseudopod, Escapepod and Drabblecast are outstanding in many ways, but the main thing is that they have been markets that buy and produce stories weekly. That is hella-frequent. It's crazy consistent if you think about it. It's twice as much work, or more, than all of the competition I've listened to, like Variant Frequencies, etc, which are far less regular (and amazingly, always far less in quality in too!)
I give to the EA and Drabblecast because they really do turn out amazing stuff like short order chefs at IHOP. I will start up again with Escapepod now that I saw this thread, but please someone in EA: Steve, Ben, Norm, Al, Rachel, someone! Put something out on the feed and website at least (and an official "Sit Tight" thread in the forum wouldn't hurt either) so this long break won't be as damaging financially at least.
Take as much time as you need, honestly, but there are people out there who don't know about this thread who feel high and dry right now.
It's just a suggestion, but I bet a very easy fix to something that must be causing a significant drop in revenue.