Priorities, man. Priorities. I think we're about the same age, and I find, the older I get, the more important it is to understand what's *realy* important to me, and to act accordingly. I also find that those decisions seem to get harder and harder. One of the lessons I'm still trying to instill on my daughters is that, sometimes, you have to give up something you like, maybe even love, to take care of something you love even more.
Still, I can't help but think, when I look at what EA has accomplished, that one of your babies is all grown up! You must be a very proud papa indeed.
Add mine to the chorus of voices who thanks you for what you've started, and what you've done. I've learned so much about good fiction, about how and why I enjoy it, and about sharing that experience with others, from the work you've done and from what you've shared with all of us. Well done, sir.