I myself was kind of curious by you saying "Creature reminded you too much of Frankenstein's Monster," because the choices Creature and the monster make seem to go in such opposite directions. So if you do want to go more into that, I'd personally be curious to hear. If you don't, that's cool too.
I'm not talking about their respective choices, I'm talking about.... well, I'm not exactly sure.
Random preamble: I don't like taking public transportation, and I don't own a car, so I mostly walk from place to place. It takes longer, but I enjoy it more, and the exercise is an added bonus.
And that's when I listen to podcasts. I load a bunch onto my phone, plug my headphones in and start walking. I freely admit that I am therefore subject to external stimuli and that sometimes it affects my opinion on the podcast, or the story.
In this case, I didn't see any monsters or crazy doctors. (Franken
shtein) But, while I was waiting at a traffic light I realized I had been thinking of Monster, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.
Later, while digesting the story, I think it may be because Creature and Monster have similar histories.
(Yes, I know that life is a series of choices that you make, and since I already said that they made different choices their lives can't
possibly be the same. But read on before flaming.)
Both of them are something new that world has never seen before, and in both cases the world was not prepared to accept them.
Yes Monster was created on purpose and Creature was the unholy union of a woman, half a man and post-apocalyptic chemicals. It doesn't matter. In both cases their "birth" was strange, unusual, and unacceptable by everybody, except perhaps the parties responsible for said birth.
Another thing.
I'm going to oversimplify here. If we were to draw the world in black and white, then both Monster and Creature found the rest of the world guilty of putting them in the black, when they clearly intend white.
Monster wanted to love and to feel loved, but was scorned. Creature wanted to make people feel happy, and help the little girl, but was accosted by the Black Clads, the crazy preacher, and the bridge denizens.
And this is where, in my opinion, they diverge. Monster took this very hard, and went on to lead his creator to his death, but not before driving him insane.
Creature simply understood that people suck, and will no longer have anything to do with them. He took the little girl and his compassion and fled to the wastelands.
Sometimes you just get this weird thought and you wonder where it came from. Sometimes you can backtrack your train of thought, other times you can't, but you may be able to reconstruct the reasoning.
That's what (I think) I did here. I hope I made some kind of sense, it's all so clear to me, but putting thoughts down into the written word can be hard.