When the story began and we learned that the MC was a freelance writer successfully making a decent living and having a decent life... I honestly groaned out loud. Seriously. I gained a little more respect for him when he turned out to be a technical writer -- that stuff's difficult and boring -- but still... I think too many stories have writer protagonists because it's an easy protagonist. Writers know what it's like for writers, they know what they want to happen when they become successful writers, and because the characters are writers it is in character for them to use flowery mental descriptions of things that, say, an electrician might not. (Case in point: it's a lot harder to remain true to the language when your MC is an island princess on an island without more than native technology. Or a child.)
However, once I got past that, I really enjoyed the story... up until the ending, which felt a little rushed. Like, "oh, crap, I'm out of time/hit my word limit and need to end this quickly, so let's just make it a friendly monster." That may not be what happened, but that's how it felt to me. Still, I bet it makes a good pet.
I wonder who the MC was telling the story to. A cleaning person, maybe? Someone who came to pick up his latest manual (or drop off a completed one for galley edits or whatever TWs do)? His girlfriend's kid?
I also really enjoyed the discussion in the forums of where the candy came from.
The reading was good, although Dana's voice grated on me after a while.