Author Topic: Scattercat Stories  (Read 48604 times)


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Reply #25 on: July 01, 2011, 01:29:26 PM
Other "Boll Weevil" news!  It will also appear in audio on the Drabblecast sometime around the end of the year.  Double-sale!  Critical hit!  Roll damage!

 :D  :D

Nice!  Congrats, dude.

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Reply #26 on: July 06, 2011, 10:05:29 AM
The Drabblecast has proved surprisingly difficult for me, at least in terms of short stories rather than drabbles.


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Reply #27 on: August 10, 2011, 08:09:46 AM
Part One of Tír na nÓg is up at Cast of Wonders, created by Barry Northern of Cast Macabre fame.  Parts two and three will follow at the appropriate intervals.

Check it out and admire the shiny!


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Reply #28 on: August 12, 2011, 01:58:35 PM
The Drabblecast has proved surprisingly difficult for me, at least in terms of short stories rather than drabbles.


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Reply #29 on: August 20, 2011, 04:26:01 AM

Okay, first, here are Part 2 and Part 3 of "Tír na nÓg" over at Cast of Wonders.  Graeme does a lovely, smooth reading and should be praised and worshiped in the appropriate forums.  Feel free to leave feedback on that story just about anywhere you like (though the CoW forums are a little anemic and could use some good discussion meat.  Flame, you glorious bastards!  Flame like you mean it!)

Second, the new issue of Bull Spec (#6) contains, at the very back where no one has to be embarrassed by it, my poem "Ruminations on a Dandelion Theme."  I just got my hard copy of the issue, and the production values are really stellar.  Highly recommended as a general product.

Thirdly, "Seasons in the Abyss," which contains two flash fiction pieces by yours truly, recently put up a Kindle edition at the much more reasonable price of three dollars.  I can recommend it at that price, definitely.  You'll get three bucks of entertainment out of it, although some of that may come from throwing it at the wall every now and then.  Probably at my stories.

And finally, Parsec Ink's Triangulation: Last Contact anthology is printed and available in both standard and Kindle editions.  I'm going to go ahead and guess, just based on the author list, that this will be a fun read. 


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Reply #30 on: September 06, 2011, 01:06:23 PM
Dustin Adams, under the banner of Frank Dutkiewicz' reviews, has given my story "As Fast As You Can" a Recommended rating over at David Steffen's Diabolical Plots.  Mine is about halfway down the page.  Frank's articles are a noble effort to provide reviews for such a high-output venue (the likeliest explanation as to why other reviewing sites haven't done more about it.)  At over a year of successful operation, I think we can at least say that DSF is a serious attempt at a 'zine, questions of income sources aside.  And they buy more of my stories than any other venue I've tried, so I pretty much love them by definition.  ;-)


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Reply #31 on: September 29, 2011, 09:32:05 PM
Tangent Online has reviewed "Triangulation: Last Contact."  They hate my story, but they correctly identify most of the others as high-quality and enjoyable bits of literature.

Seriously, it's a good book.


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Reply #32 on: October 07, 2011, 09:34:08 PM
"I Kill Monsters" is coming from Daily Science Fiction on October 28!  Are YOU ready!?


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Reply #33 on: October 27, 2011, 07:32:17 AM
"I Kill Monsters" is out tomorrow!  Last chance to sign up for Daily Science Fiction's e-mail list and get it fresh instead of waiting a week...


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Reply #34 on: November 13, 2011, 12:42:03 PM
Issue 2 of Penumbra E-Mag is out, with a story by Yrs Trly.  ("Cocklebur," which some in the forums have seen as "Nightseed.")

They also apparently offer subscriptions now...


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Reply #35 on: November 18, 2011, 05:18:14 PM
Have you ever said to yourself, "Self, I love paying for things that I can get for free, but my pantry is already completely full of bottled water and that unkempt man who hands out the Jack Chick tracts currently runs when he sees me coming"? 

Well, have I got a deal for you!

"Splinters of Silver and Glass" is a collection of the best 100 stories from the first three years of Mirrorshards.  Buy 99 stories for a penny each, get the 100th free!

It also includes "The Lady of Tilmarine," which is the very first story I ever sold (and no longer available online), and "Old Growth," which got an Honorable Mention in Writers of the Future but never found a home.  (Now how much would you pay? /RonPopeil)

Yes, all this can be yours for... well, candy bars are all mostly $0.85 now, but 20 oz. sodas are all $1.25...

Pretend it's a Dollar Tree.  The Dollar Tree of Fiction! 


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Reply #36 on: January 01, 2012, 12:28:10 PM
"Terrible Lizard King," which first appeared at Pseudopod, is now available in print at Allegory E-zine.  If you don't have time to listen, then surely you also probably don't have time to click over and read it, actually, but hey!  It's there if you want it.

This marks my Very First Reprint Sale.  Huzzah!

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Reply #37 on: January 10, 2012, 05:51:22 PM
Awesome, gratz!

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Reply #38 on: February 17, 2012, 02:26:45 PM
My flash fiction fantasy/phantasmagoria, "Lightblind," is available in the Sparks anthology from Earthbound books.  It's only available at Amazon for now, but it's also only three bucks.  I enjoyed several of the stories in my advance copy, so don't buy it just for my story.  :-)


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Reply #39 on: February 17, 2012, 02:30:39 PM
Also, if someone who isn't either paid by or a personal friend of the editors wants to write an actual review for Sparks, that'd be awesome.  I don't know what they were thinking.


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Reply #40 on: March 02, 2012, 06:18:07 AM
My bit of surreal oddness, "The Life and Times of Otto van Maark and His Luxuriant Beard," is available now at Liquid Imagination.


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Reply #41 on: June 08, 2012, 02:31:03 AM
Some updates:

"Lightblind" from a couple of posts upthread has now appeared in audio, courtesy of the amazing Tina Connolly and Toasted Cake.

"Forks and Skewers," which was written back in college, around the same time as "14B," has a nice reading up at The Way of the Buffalo.

And a possibly familiar name is attached to today's Escape Pod episode, "Nemesis"...


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Reply #42 on: August 16, 2012, 05:46:37 AM
"All Unlooked For" will appear August 27 in Parsec Ink's Triangulation: Morning After anthology.

I'm hosting a giveaway at Mirrorshards.  Post a pun, get a (chance at a) free book!


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Reply #43 on: September 03, 2012, 07:54:14 PM
"Gastrophidia" is available to read at Ideomancer!

Come read about the man with the snake in his belly, and what happens when it comes out...


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Reply #44 on: October 06, 2012, 01:18:11 AM
"Dragonslayer" is in the current issue of Intergalactic Medicine Show!  (You gotta pay, I'm afraid, but it's a pretty good 'zine.)


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Reply #45 on: October 23, 2012, 06:14:18 AM
New giveaway at Mirrorshards, y'all!

This one is the biggest yet, in terms of mass and pagecount...


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Reply #46 on: June 05, 2013, 05:35:57 AM
I forgot this was here.  :-(

At any rate, in addition to the no-longer-recent appearance of "Wings" at Pseudopod, I am pleased to announce that "No More Teachers, No More Books" is now live at the incomparable Tina Connolly's flash fiction podcast, Toasted Cake.


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Reply #47 on: September 03, 2013, 07:06:18 PM
The Shallows is presently available at Flash Fiction Online.  This is an expanded version of one of my submissions back in the EP flash contest.


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Reply #48 on: October 06, 2013, 02:30:33 AM
My short story "Silver and Copper, Iron and Ash" is in the Coins of Chaos anthology (Also available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.)  There is a one-chapter preview at the first site, which also happens to be my story, so if you just want to read it for free, I guess you can.  It's a pretty fun anthology overall, though.

(If you need more information, the premise was to write a story about evil magic coins, specifically the old Indian-head nickels from the turn of the last century, which were often carved by homeless vagrants into new designs as a sort of oddball form of folk art.  So basically some nickels show up and fuck some shit up.  Take that, dimes, you pansies.)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 12:19:21 AM by Scattercat »


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Reply #49 on: October 20, 2013, 05:24:13 AM
So after four months of nada, zilch, zip, I get two acceptance notes right in a row.  o_0

"Roundabout" will be appearing in Intergalactic Medicine Show sometime in 2014.  It is about fighting the interstate highway system with a quarterstaff.

"Systems" will be in Cemetery Dance at a currently unspecified time.  It is about crows and responsibility and going crazy.