While I remain firmly in the obviously correct camp, it is worth noting that Harry Potter is a lot more accessible than LotR and thus might be perceived as more enjoyable. Many readers I know of found LotR to be a slog at times. (Lord knows I skimmed parts of Two Towers and Return of the King.)
I think JRT was genus. He changed the world for many of us. That said, I think if it were published today, that it would be a different read, with aid of a more modern editor.
Pip and Mary were interchangeable. And then there is war that Bilbo was knocked out, therefore saving JRT from writing an action scene.
I say this as someone who spent MANY a happy hour playing D&D, was a member of SCA, and I know that many, many wonderful tales would not have been written without it. Some of prose is poetic.
HP is indeed a much easier to read. One reason HP is is a great read is Neville Longbottom. I LOVED at the end of the first book where he is rewarded for standing up against his friends. Also, in book 7, he runs the rebels, and you can see where, yah, if HP had died, Neville would have and could stepped in.
There is real growth in most of the of HP characters. And HP has so much you can get out of it, both lit wise and morality wise.
I love sucking the marrow out of a good story, and HP gives good marrow.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 06:12:43 AM by AliceNred »
Stop throwing gnomes at me. They hurt.