I enjoyed the story, though I was distracted by a quibble: the idea that an alien - or anyone else - could 'suck the personality' out of someone into another being.
The problem -
big problem - I have with that is that it depends on mind/body duality: the commonly-held superstition that the mind/personality/
self is a separate entity from the body that holds it and could therefore travel from one body to another
1. Since this is a view that I firmly reject
2, it's a premise that can't support a story for me.
Yes, it can be rationalized
3 with the explanation, "Well, the alien can read your brain into its own, but the process is destructive, see?" But if that's the case, then why not put it that way? As presented, it sounded a
lot like "Well, your personality can only be in one place at a time, so when the alien sucks 'you' out of your body, you aren't there any more, see?"
... this isn't just a story about an addict facing a choice that appears to be both altruistic and suits his own preferences, but also a "Lady or Tiger" decision ...
Until I read some of the comments and went back to read the last sentence in the text, I thought it
was a "Lady Or the Tiger" story, to a much larger degree than you describe. When I heard it, I somehow missed the phrase
(*SPOILER!* Highlight to see clearly.) "
before the word 'Yes' echoed in the room." and so I missed that Rutter had made a decision at all, let alone what it was. I found that much more satisfying than what actually occurred, to be honest. (Although, as a result, the rest of that sentence was a touch confusing.

Also, the way I heard it, Rutter
wasn't immediately 'processed'. Now, knowing he was, I share many of the same objections that
Eytanz mentioned in his second paragraph above, but mostly because he brought them up.
I didn't think of them.
1 See also the third and fourth of the original
Ender series for a
really out-there depiction of this phenomenon.
2 Rather, the mind is a process
generated by the body, primarily - but not exclusively - the brain.
3 Rather like
the problem I had with "Élan Vital".
Edit: minor change to one sentence.