I found this story disappointing in many ways, it seemed that some interesting possibilities were created all to be thrown away. Ultimately it felt like a story from a children's adventure game that you can't really do anything wrong in.
The main character starts out with an interesting internal conflict to explore: how does a genetically engineered intelligent predator that is a pacifist handle having to possibly hunt/kill for survival? Sadly this isn't a problem - apparently pacifism is just a convenient choice for fun and real starvation never sets in.
But wait, our pacifist still has to use a gun! Surely they are at least in some kind of quandary about using it? No, the gun is grafted to them so they have no choice and it shoots based on its own intelligence so they can avoid responsibility! Better yet, pacifism is only a choice so killing/maiming things is just inconvenient (and only in self defence anyway).
That's ok, we still have the conflict between the gun's intelligence and Buddhism to occupy some deeper thoughts. Or not... it seems the gun (whose entire purpose is to maim and kill) just happily goes along with this philosophy that is anathema to its entire reason for being.
Ok, so all the characters have their potentially interesting conflicts resolved for free, what about the main plot. Well, that was kind of like a childish adventure story where the choices are dictated and everything solves itself:
AI: You must go on a quest to save the peoples of the universe or you will die. Here take this gun.
Tyrannosaurus(TY): Ok, I'll do the quest but I don't like guns.
AI: You must or you will die.
Gun is melded to TY, cannot be separated.
AI: Also take this companion Swarm.
TY: I'm not happy but ok, lets go.
Monster1 is attacking you!
TY uses gun, Monster1 is defeated.
Monster2 is attacking you!
TY uses gun, it does nothing.
TY uses Swarm, Monster2 is defeated.
TY reaches Thingamajig.
*insert dialogue of expose where TY's nature is the solution*
Congratulations, you have saved the peoples of the universe!
So in the end I was left disappointed by the story. I think there were some interesting ideas and some wonderful potential, but it seems all the ways it could have been speculative were thrown away. Perhaps this story is targeted at a much younger audience?
Good job on the reading, the gun especially was entertainingly presented and good to listen to.