Let me make it absolutely clear, as the EP forum moderator, that big themes like sexuality in SF can be discussed in this forum, and indeed are very welcome here. If anyone thinks that the other thread was closed because of that theme, they were obviously not paying attention. Indeed, as I said in my post closing that topic, the goal of locking it was not to shut out any opinion, but because the tone of that particular conversation was not conducive to actual discussion.
However, that said, let me make one more thing clear - if I lock a thread, for any reason, it is not appropriate to open another thread to protest that decision in any of the three EP forums. If you do wish to protest a decision by me, then you should send me a PM. I promise that I take PMs seriously (and indeed, I invited people to do so in the other thread). If you have sent a PM and feel unsatisfied with my response, or if you feel that you have a grievance that must be absolutely dealt with publicly, the place to do that is the metachat forums.
That said, I've decided to leave this thread in the "About EP" forum, because it contains useful suggestions for threads on the topic of sex and sexuality in SF. Any further discussion of moderation policy will be split off into metachat, however.