I'm going to go out on the limb and say that I enjoyed the story as well. I had just a little trouble figuring out what happened at the end with the business at the psych ward booming, but CryptoMe summed it up well.
As for the reading, I thought it was okay. There were times when she did drag out certain words, but it put me in mind of Laurice White's slow, but extremely excellent reading of "Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints..." over at Podcastle.
There was a moment when Kim's reading worked perfectly. It's when Roger drawls to Yvonne, "Good giiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrlll..." When Kim read it that, I actually gritted my teeth, full of righteous outrage...then laughed out loud when she reads Yvonne doing the exact same thing.
Which then made me wonder. If the water works to tamp down negative thoughts, it didn't work as much to stop that response in Yvonne. Interesting...