This story started out with an interesting beginning. I was genuinely hooked by the opening section. The writing was clear, precise, and so on.
However, that all changed with the first info-dump. I thought it was pretty clear there was a device which stored her personality etc. Did we really need a full-on explanation? And then there's the info-dump regarding the car crash.
I was disappointed that the rich customer was some random guy from Ada's past. The revolver-on-the-mantelpiece rule (there's a name for it, but I forget) was ignored. Also, the lengthy conversation between Antonio and Ada served only to slow the story down. Antonio came across like a Hannibal Lecter clone (old, seemingly all-knowing, and apparently with a degree in psychology).
The logic regarding the contract has already been covered by other forum-goers (how will anyone ever know if Ada secretly indulges her desires?) so I won't get into that here.
Also, I wonder what the reaction would have been if a male had written a story in which
every female character is a bad person (in the same way males are portrayed in this one). Perhaps it would have been better (by which I mean balanced, I guess) if one customer had actually been a female, or a colleague of Ada's was a male masochist? Not all males are dominant. Not all females are submissive.
Like I said at the start of this post, the writing was good, on a technical level. It was easy to get along with, and despite the story's flaws, I got to the end. There were just too many logic-gaps, and I just didn't like the gender assumptions.
I actually think it's a good idea. NO MATTER WHAT, we have some human men (let's face it, it seems like 99% of the people with these urges are men) who have a burning desire to rape/torture/kill women. We can catch them and put them in jail, but so far we just can't FIX them from having this urge. It will happen no matter what until we catch them, but at least some women have to die so they can get their emotional rocks off before we know what they are.
I know you said 99%, but there are actually quite a few females out there with similar urges. Eg. violent relationships in which women are perpetrators, very rarely get reported due to the 'shame' aspect from the man. This underrporting leads to lower statistics, which leads some people to think it doesn't go on. Also, research has shown that while females might be slightly less likely to have these urges, when a female does, she will often take things to a 'higher level' than a male. Basically, a male will generally beat someone up. A female is more likely to carry out 'cruel acts' which are thought out and methodical. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule in both genders. What I'm saying is that I resent the sweeping statement of "lets face it, only guys do this."
(Just to clear something up, I'm not talking about people who are into BDSM etc. I'm talking about people who commit for-the-thrill violent crimes).