Author Topic: Name for short fiction (under 300 words)  (Read 23992 times)


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Reply #25 on: February 03, 2007, 06:33:32 AM
I once, when talking about a story that used the term "Touring Test", said "This story gave me a nerdgasm."


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Reply #26 on: February 03, 2007, 12:50:55 PM
I once, when talking about a story that used the term "Touring Test", said "This story gave me a nerdgasm."

Nerdgasm I've heard before.  E.g., when Wil Wheaton did an intro for Mur's Geek Fu Action Grip.

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine

Rachel Swirsky

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Reply #27 on: February 03, 2007, 08:00:00 PM
"Most libraries carry 1-3 collections named Sudden Fiction published in the early '90s. Must have been on a booklist somewhere then."

I don't know if this is based on anything real, but I've always looked at Sudden Fiction as a brush closer to prose poetry than flash fiction is.

Russell Nash

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Reply #28 on: February 04, 2007, 08:04:59 AM
What about Zeph fiction?  As in zephyr?

Please no, I drove a Mercury Zephyr and it was probably one of the single worst cars I have ever driven.