So, was there an announcement I missed about Bill/Heradel leaving the Assistant Editor job?
Farewell, Bill. Thanks for all your hard work. It's not an easy - or well-appreciated - job.
And welcome Nathan. Best wishes in the position. See above.

Honestly, my biggest complaint was the hand-waving that the *legal* mods all were temporary and the brain returned to normal, but the serotonin mods were physically addictive... because. Y'know. Just... because. I'd certainly believe that there was a psychological addiction to it ... just BEING that high can make everything else seem bland by comparison.
That's actually what I think the author was trying to convey, though it may have been too subtle to succeed (especially in audio rather than on paper).
Like all modsticks, bliss hacks were a temporary fix ... once the program ran its course, half a million years of cell memory took over again and things went back to normal.So, not something that creates a physical addiction, at least not at first. However,
Use often enough, and your body forgets exactly where it left your natural set pointI believe the idea is that that's the case with
any modstick; it's just that no one uses the anti-cancer sticks or the athletic performance upgrades over and over and over, like they do the (psychologically addicting) bliss sticks.
It might have been worthwhile for the author to make that more explicit, if that is, indeed, what he meant.