This story had a lot of things going for it. I haven't had a lot of exposure to roller derby, apart from watching "Whip It" which was awesome enough that I want to go to a local derby match some time, but both that movie and this made its appeal pretty clear. I like how there were some details that were exaggerated because of the fairy tale style, such as her skating from town to town instead of, you know, taking a bus or something. I like how nonchalantly it mentioned that Fierce Fairy actually had magical powers. I liked the relationship between mother and daughter, and I thought the transgender elements totally fit.
I really wanted to scream at Princess Bite, though, when she decided that she was going to save her mother even at the cost of unraveling herself. "Your mother wouldn't want that!" I wanted to yell while shaking some sense into her. "You'll be dead so you won't enjoy your company, and you will have stolen away the very best aspect of your mother's life. Don't do it, you idiot!" And her justification that she HAD to do it because she'd sworn to do it I just found annoying--I'm afraid I have trouble respecting determination to go through something you've sworn to do that you later realized is worse for everybody, just because you swore to do it. At least it ended as well as can be expected though.
I do wish it had had a closer POV, though, as I found the distant fairytale telling style rather distancing. It was serviceable, and got the point across, but I felt like I was just listening passively rather than becoming engaged in the story.
And oh how the constant refrain of the promise kept me giggling, one carton I cannot forget so saying the same thing over and over is The Cowboys of Moo Mesa, and every episode ending with some anecdote about how that is the LAW OF THE WEST. She has to follow the LAW OF ROLLER DERBY.
I think it was the CODE OF THE WEST. The only reason I remember is that they chose the name specifically to be an acronym for COW. I think the title was even written sometimes the C.O.W.BOYS OF MOO MESA, (what makes them cowboys is that they follow the C.O.W.) God, I hated that show, but I still watched it when I was bored enough.