This is where I track the results of How the contest would go if I were the only one voting. Obviously, there would be no tie breakers. Otherwise, I am mostly following the schedule that is in place on the forum. That is to say, I won't vote on a group until the time for it comes on the forums also.
As for randomizing the groups in the semi-finals, I think I will pull names out of a bowl or something. Obviously, I can't check to see if a writer is competing against himself, so that will just have to be a possibility.
I expect to find this interesting. When I did this in the last flash fiction contest a couple of years ago, the ones that ended up in my finals were an entirely different group than what ended up in the finals in the forum. I guess there's no accounting for taste....
That said, I now have the results for the first 10 groups, as I voted, in no particular order:
Group 1
Crime Time
Observing Life
Group 2
Are You Experienced
Midsummer Crossing
Order Is For The Bees
Group 3
In Her Image
Pax Synthetica
Group 4
Accord And Discord
Racial Prejudice
The Shallows
Group 5
Returning Home
Saturday Morning
The Stars Below
Group 6
The Future Is Set
Jacob Thorne And The Time Traveler
The Next Machine
Group 7
Extracts From The Parahistorical...
Home Sweet Mars
With The Wind
Group 8
Life Sentence
The Talk
Group 9
Perfect Match
Souvenir at the Edge of Space
Group 10
Autumn Leaves
The Man In The Elevator
Moving Out
Second Chance Round
The Helpdesk
Undead And Uncool
Semifinal 1
The Helpdesk
Undead And Uncool
Semifinal 2
Order Is For The Bees
Semifinal 3
Are You Experienced
Life Sentence
Semifinal 4
Observing Life
The Future Is Set
I am also curious as to whether any of you is keeping track of their own votes in some kind of "what if" manner, and if so, what the results are.