I know people are probably burned out, but the amount of feedback in the last crops of stories pales in comparison to the first groups. We should all make an effort to comment about the stories constructively even if they get posted in the later groups, so that all the authors get some ideas of how their stories come across.
Hear, Hear!
I know I have some comments left to make, but I think I should point out that the lowest number of comments in Group #1 was 22, with one thread going up to 43. In Group # 10 there a story with just 2 comments, and three stories with just 3. Half the group may not clear 5 comments at this rate!
Group # 9 still has a 3, a 4 and only one story has cleared the 10 mark.
I'll be commenting on group 9 today or tonight, along with the rest of group 10. Let's all make a push to help people out!
It seems like the people who were in the first 5 rounds or so won the commenting lottery, and the last 5 rounds got shafted.