Forgive me if this isn't deserving of a new thread (or bitterly eschew all forgiveness while scornfully directing me towards previous related discussions, por favor).
So, after all the controversy and such during this year's Hugo Awards about
What should be categorized How, it struck me that these debates seem to reflect an interesting (and changing) era for F&SF. Fans and professionals with a mutual love for good speculative fiction came together to evaluate and characterize the notable writers, editors, publications and mediums through which our great mutual love is experienced and delivered. Then of course, those that paid membership dues voted and passed legislation while the rest of us sat around and bitched one way or another. As is the way of all things political.
The solution to these 'What goes Where' controversies (that seem to be an annual occurrence now at Worldcon) appears to be the ratifying and addition of new categories. For example, podcasts even have their own category now! Unfortunately it's called "Best Fancast".

I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it must be to taxonomize it all-- prozine, semipro, fanzine, dramatic presentation, etc. But if big awards and recognition matter at all then I imagine these things deserve to be debated and reasonably hammered out. Furthermore, I think there are ramifications for how we tag ourselves and the cultural art we care about.
I think we'd all love to see Escapepod win a Hugo one day. In the right category. My question and I guess the point of this thead is: What would that category be? and why?
Here's the
World Science Fiction Society's take on things now, if you missed.
One of the more controversial items was in the redefining of the Semiprozine category, which is the one Escapepod would be eligible for... if we didn't all get this awesomeness for free each week. How should we define a "Semipro" market then? Aside from "branding that doesn't sound particularly awesome when tagged to your publication."
Still, I guess with the "Best Prozine" category also eliminated there's no other choice. Just gotta make due with a Semi.
"That's what." --She