This one didn't thrill me, but it was neat and moderately horrible. I like the idea of a story that plays around with the modern world and how it personifies technology and objectifies humanity, but this one was a bit heavy-handed. It wasn't bad, however, just unsubtle, and sometimes a little unsubtle horribleness is fun.
My only beef with this story is an old pet peeve of mine: unspeakableness. This story wandered into unspeakableness in terms of the industrial-bondage-sexiness. After a few vague descriptions, the narration dropped into "and other unspeakably weird stuff."
Look, I know I've already outed myself as... knowledgeable about BDSM

(it was back in that story about the kinky ghost house). Let me tell you, there are only so many things one can do, sexually, and all of them are quite speakable. Furthermore, many of them can be described in ways that would definitely evoke the feelings this story was trying to evoke - and I say that as an exceedingly sex-positive person. Blood play, electrical play, fire play, cupping, pony play, littles... there's some weird stuff out there, and that's assuming we don't wander into the world of the
truly gross. The thing is, these things are horrible (and sexy, if you're into that sort of thing) in the details, not the vagueness.
Personally, whenever I read about unspeakably weird sex acts, it doesn't horrify me. It leaves me wondering "
what are they talking about? Needles? Bondage?" I get distracted - and a little bit annoyed - trying to figure it out.
Frankly, the problem is that writers want to include deviant sexuality and maintain a PG-13 rating. Frankly, that's bullshit. If you're going to do sex, do the sex! You don't need to write porn, but don't halfass it!
Anyway, I basically liked this story, but it hit a pet peeve, and then I ranted for a while. The end.