So we're about halfway through the contest now and it has been awesome. Many great stories, many more great ideas that maybe failed somewhere in execution, but are full of potential. Congrats to everyone who has put themselves out there for all to see.
I wanted to ask a question here, something that I've been wondering over the course of the contest. So far, I've noticed that in most groups there has been at least one science fiction based story. Bound, Sims, Dwindled Dawn, Happiness is... and inevitably at least one person who comments on the story says something to the effect of, "A good story, but seems like it should be on Escape Pod rather than PsuedoPod." Which is essentially saying, "This is science fiction, not horror."
Now, I'm not calling any of these forumers out. If you're someone who has said this about one of these stories, that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. What I want to understand is why people have a harder time accepting a story as horror if it takes place in a sci-fi setting.
In my opinion, when it comes to genre, Sci-Fi and Fantasy are most typically defined by setting. That's not to say that the setting is the story, no, the characters or ideas are what make the story, but it's the setting, (new world, magic systems, futuristic, technological) that defines which genre a story will fall under.
Horror, on the other hand, is not about setting. Horror is about perception. Horror is about feelings. The great thing about horror is it can take place in any setting, because the setting does not define the genre. You can have horror in sci-fi, take a look at the Aliens movies. You can have horror in fantasy, contemporary, mythological, steam punk, etc. Horror transcends setting.
So why do so many people seem to have such a hard time accepting these horror stories that are science fiction based? I just want to throw this discussion out here and see what others think.