Forgot to mention: I love the pyramid scheme of the Finished. Slowly but quietly take over the world, one hapless person at a time.
Actually, I thought about it a little more. And it's beautiful and elegant and creepy.
See, the beauty of pyramid schemes is their exponential growth. So the day before (or the week or month, however long the process actually takes, but it's a short time) every person on the planet is Finished, half of them are not. So the changes will be rather sudden. What changes? Well....
The food industry, perhaps the world's largest, will collapse in on itself. Nobody needs to eat anymore. But people can still rent food, yes. But that is then returned and resomethinged to become food again. Produce will be a thing of the past. Orchards will die, cultivated fields will turn to weeds, domesticated animals will either die in their enclosures or escape and run wild. Fast food will no longer exist. There's no point in renting a meal for 5 minutes. Every single person who ever worked with anything having to do with food, from farmers to Wall-Mart cleanup boys will be out of a job.
The medical industry, also one of the world's largest, will cease to exist. Medical care is now provided in the form of spare parts and repairs, provided for you, for a fee, from your maker at their clinics. Millions more out of a job.
The clothing industry will survive for a little bit longer, but not much. Since people don't have the money to buy clothing, they won't. Anyway, who needs new clothes? Just don't wash your current clothes. They won't get dirty. You won't spill food on them, won't get them smelly from your sweat, and you can minimize damage from the elements. Just don't go outside when it's raining. It's not like you have a job to go to.
What's next? Entertainment and the arts (I'm sorry to all the artistic people for lumping art with entertainment, but economically in this scenario they belong together). Both rely on creativity and innovation. With everybody's mind a crystal, that is very hard to do. It can be done, a little bit, but not enough to sustain an entire industry. Furthermore, with nobody earning money they won't have disposable income to spend on it.
The same thing will happen to the technology sector. Without innovation everything can be robotized and even more millions of people are out of a job.
Politics will die, perhaps the best thing in this scenario. No new politicians will grace the scene, since if you weren't a politician before, you're not very likely to become one now. So everybody knows all the politicians on the scene, and they will always have the same views and ideas. No compromises. At some point people will just stop voting. Besides, their true allegiance lies elsewhere.
See, at this point, the Company now owns every single person on the planet. They own them body and mind. There is no way for you to work off your debt, since you can't bring new people into the pyramid. And nobody is earning money anyway. People quietly and without fuss switch from being in debt to being enslaved. They will do whatever the Company tells them to, because they have no choice.
Picture that. An entire planet of people, billions of people, controlled by a single Company. By the board of directors of that Company. By the chairman of the board.
We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be.... Finished.