Given limited time to comment, I've settled on a triage method.
First priority is to comment on stories I
almost voted for, but didn't. My reasoning is that these are stories that are pretty good, and for which I'm apparently part of the intended audience, but have what in my view is a "fixable flaw." My hope is that my comments will be useful if the author wants to rewrite it and to take it to another market, or possibly helpful in future stories.
Second priority is to say something about stories I voted for, though I think the authors have gotten the feedback of my vote, so it isn't as important to comment on them as it is on the "almost made-its." Besides, there's usually less to say.
Finally, comment on the stories I never seriously considered voting for. I probably won't get to those very often. In many of those cases, I feel that I'm so far removed from the story's intended audience that my feedback wouldn't be very useful, or the story needs a more detailed and nuanced critique than I can give in this environment.
Of course, I may ignore all this and comment on anything that really grabs me, because, hey, this is supposed to be a hobby, right?