Author Topic: Pod Castle Flash Contest - Rules  (Read 105357 times)


  • Hipparch
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Reply #175 on: September 09, 2013, 09:16:09 AM
On the one hand I desperately want my story to do well and I'm doing a marginally good job handling that. On the other hand I'm finding myself feeling very protective, maybe even possessive, over the stories for which I have cast my vote. Sheesh.

Everyone desperately wants to do well, even as you sit there and see flaws in your own work (at least I do) as soon as other people start looking at it.

Every negative comment or criticism can seem like a personal affront.  I know I've found myself getting angry or annoyed at people that don't get something I thought was obvious or think something is an error that was intentional.  It happens.

But you've got to take a deep breath and keep reminding yourself that people are giving their reactions, and most have the best interests of you and your writing at heart.  When you give stories that need work to your grandmother or girlfriend etc. for comment and they can just tell you everything works fine, it can be good for the ego (oh sweet ego soothing) but not great for actually improving the story.  When you know a story needs work but can't figure out how to fix it, this gets really frustrating.  I find that heartless evil strangers are much better at tearing things down and helping figure out why they don't work quite right.

Try not to take the criticism personally.  Even the harshest of us don't mean it as anything but explaining what we didn't like with the hopes that when it comes time to revise the story, that will be something to work from.  This is why it's a good idea to take some time (months) before revising, to give yourself some distance from your story.

Anyway, we've all been there.  Don't let it get to you too much!


  • Hipparch
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Reply #176 on: September 09, 2013, 09:17:18 AM
Also, yes, totally cheerlead the stories that aren't getting enough love that you loved.  Maybe you can win some votes for them in the comments!

(I'm tired and totally misinterpreted some of what you said before, but I wrote a Spaghetti-Monster damned book of a post and I'm sure as sauce not going to delete it.)


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Reply #177 on: September 09, 2013, 11:56:48 AM
Also, yes, totally cheerlead the stories that aren't getting enough love that you loved.  Maybe you can win some votes for them in the comments!

(I'm tired and totally misinterpreted some of what you said before, but I wrote a Spaghetti-Monster damned book of a post and I'm sure as sauce not going to delete it.)

Totally fine, don't worry about it! I could smell all the positive intentions :)

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Reply #178 on: September 09, 2013, 05:40:59 PM
On the one hand I desperately want my story to do well and I'm doing a marginally good job handling that.

I'm a little more sanguine (I think ... I hope) about how my stories do this time around than I was in the last contest. Last time, I was overly concerned with how they did.

This time, while I will be pleased if they do well in the contest, I'm mostly interested in seeing what people have to say about them. The vote count won't teach me as much as the commentariat will.

Also, I'm not usually a (fiction) writer. These two stories are the first fiction I've written since the last contest, three years ago (and they were among the first I'd written for many years before that). I can't really complain if my stories don't do well, because I don't regularly practice and improve.

(I'm not suggesting that heyes or anyone else should emulate me; just relating my own journey.)

"People commonly use the word 'procrastination' to describe what they do on the Internet. It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work. We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working." - Paul Graham


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Reply #179 on: September 11, 2013, 07:00:01 AM


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #180 on: September 11, 2013, 03:03:27 PM
Group 3 is up, and it's the last day for voting in Group 1!


  • Matross
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Reply #181 on: September 11, 2013, 04:24:15 PM
I love the new names of the groups, Ocicat. Dragon league, Phoenix league and Manticore league sound so much better than groups 1 -3. I can't wait to see what's next.  ;D


  • Hipparch
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Reply #182 on: September 12, 2013, 03:49:33 AM
Group 3 is up, and it's the last day for voting in Group 1!

On my screen, at the top of Group 1, it says: "(Voting closes: September 12, 2013, 10:23:43 AM)"

I'm on Central Time (US) and the time up in the corner under "Simple Machines Forum" matches the local time on my computer, so I don't think it's something messed up in my profile.

It doesn't matter to me -- I've long since voted -- but if that's happening to others, it might mess someone up who expects more time to think the stories over. 

"My whole job is in the space between 'should be' and 'is.' It's a big space."


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Reply #183 on: September 12, 2013, 05:04:39 AM
I love the new names of the groups, Ocicat. Dragon league, Phoenix league and Manticore league sound so much better than groups 1 -3. I can't wait to see what's next.  ;D

I agree. Adds another layer of anticipation and excitement.


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Reply #184 on: September 14, 2013, 10:16:22 AM
Group 4 is up, and it's the last day to vote for group 2.


  • Palmer
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Reply #185 on: September 15, 2013, 10:42:35 PM
This is nerve-wracking! This is my first time to submit, so I'm quite anxious every time a new league is posted. So far, I'm only slightly disappointed my story hasn't appeared yet. There have been some really good ones so far that I'm glad I'm not competing with yet. The other part is having to maintain anonymity until my story is out of the running. Where's that "runs away screaming" emoticon?


  • Palmer
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Reply #186 on: September 16, 2013, 06:28:33 PM
I know this is said all the time but thank you so much for putting on this contest!  I don't have any writer friends and this is the only place I can really talk about writing. 


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Reply #187 on: September 16, 2013, 11:10:11 PM
I know this is said all the time but thank you so much for putting on this contest!  I don't have any writer friends and this is the only place I can really talk about writing. 

FWIW, I don't think you can say it enough :)

I think it's really great that our mods were willing to put on the contest and organize it all, and I'm happy to see so many people part participating!

If you enjoy the contest and are looking for more story feedback, check out our crit group.


  • Sir Postsalot
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Reply #188 on: September 17, 2013, 11:25:53 AM
Also, there are many places to find writers to talk to online.  The forum here is a great place, especially the crit forum.

Also, Baen's Bar has a writing critique section:

Critters is a writing critique group:

Writers of the Future has a writing focused forum group:

If you've managed to get a pro writing sale, Codex is great:

Intergalactic Medicine Show has a writer's forum called Hatrack River:

Many SF magazines have a writer's corner, though some are pretty inactive.  I used to hang about Analog and Asimov's forums.

Basically I only visit this forum and Codex anymore, but I've gone to all of the above at one point or another.  And if you find a writer you like the style and/or personality you can always suggest a critique exchange--is a good way to get some feedback and meet some people.

Also, hi!  :)


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #189 on: September 17, 2013, 03:26:24 PM
Group 5 is up, and it's the last day to vote in the Manticore League.


  • Peltast
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Reply #190 on: September 18, 2013, 12:50:54 AM
Thanks again to all the people who put in the work to make podcastle what it is.

I've never written on a forum before and i don't like not being face to face in all this discussion, please know that anything (or at least most things) I say are said with timidity and not meant to be haughty or argumentative in any way.
Preface all my statements with the phrase:
Well, maybe...

I am very much enjoying being an active part of this community.

(Edit: that last sentence does not require the preface)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 01:49:56 AM by Shawn »


  • Rebound
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Reply #191 on: September 18, 2013, 10:34:49 AM
Also, there are many places to find writers to talk to online.  The forum here is a great place, especially the crit forum.

Also, Baen's Bar has a writing critique section:

Critters is a writing critique group:

Writers of the Future has a writing focused forum group:

If you've managed to get a pro writing sale, Codex is great:

Intergalactic Medicine Show has a writer's forum called Hatrack River:

Many SF magazines have a writer's corner, though some are pretty inactive.  I used to hang about Analog and Asimov's forums.

Basically I only visit this forum and Codex anymore, but I've gone to all of the above at one point or another.  And if you find a writer you like the style and/or personality you can always suggest a critique exchange--is a good way to get some feedback and meet some people.

Also, hi!  :)
Unblinking, thanks for this. So extremely helpful! I'm lucky enough to have a few friends to exchange writing with IRL, but since they know me personally, it's hard to get honest opinions. I've joined the crit forum, although haven't poked around too much with this contest going on. Hope to chime in over there in the future as I've already learned so much from this intelligent crowd.  :)

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  • Sir Postsalot
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Reply #192 on: September 18, 2013, 02:13:19 PM
Also, I've written up some guidelines for critique etiquette that I've found helpful:


  • Hipparch
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Reply #193 on: September 18, 2013, 03:16:21 PM
Also, I've written up some guidelines for critique etiquette that I've found helpful:
These are really good guidelines, pay attention to them!

Also, I keep saying it, but I swear will get around to being active in the crit group forum, soonish, so don't give up hope, there will be +1 person to the number you see active.


  • Matross
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Reply #194 on: September 18, 2013, 09:18:14 PM
Also, I've written up some guidelines for critique etiquette that I've found helpful:
Thank you so much for this, Unblinking, and for the list of writing forums.


  • Sir Postsalot
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Reply #195 on: September 19, 2013, 01:43:56 PM
Also, I've written up some guidelines for critique etiquette that I've found helpful:
Thank you so much for this, Unblinking, and for the list of writing forums.

You're very welcome.  :)  I don't remember if I've posted a similar list to Diabolical Plots--might be a good idea for folks who are looking for some interaction.  The writing itself is a lonely business, but in this day and age there's no reason you can't find other writers.  :)


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #196 on: September 20, 2013, 09:27:18 AM
Now the world shall know the terror of The Bonnacon League!  Cower before it's 13 entries!

Also, last day to vote on The (God damned) Dolphin League.


  • Sir Postsalot
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Reply #197 on: September 20, 2013, 02:29:50 PM
Now the world shall know the terror of The Bonnacon League!  Cower before it's 13 entries!

Also, cower before it's poo.


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #198 on: September 23, 2013, 07:48:31 AM
The Siren of Group 7 is calling to you.

And last day for voting in the Cerastes League.


  • Hipparch
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Reply #199 on: September 23, 2013, 03:48:00 PM
Now the world shall know the terror of The Bonnacon League!  Cower before it's 13 entries!

Also, cower before it's poo.

It's going to turn into poo? Ewww.....