Author Topic: metacast idea  (Read 6858 times)


  • Palmer
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  • Posts: 35
on: July 22, 2013, 12:09:53 AM
I've been listening to some 'fancasts' and 'google hangouts' recently and I've guested on one or two. I've run unrelated podcasts previously. I've been interested in getting back out there with a new format, concept, etc, so here's me putting out feelers. I'm looking for guests and co-hosts for an "audio/podio fiction" metacast. I'm deliberately keeping it fairly broad, but I'd like to focus on stuff like Escape Artists podcasts, Podiobooks, Cast of Wonders, Drabblecast, Leviathan Chronicles, Decoder Ring Theatre type stuff. Since I'm taking some inspiration from "SF Squee Cast," I have in mind for it to be more raving than ranting. Where Squeecast doesn't expect everyone else to be familiar with a panelist's recommendations, it's always better when other cast members can chime in. I'd like to set it up so everyone on my panel has a chance to listen to the recommended shorter works beforehand and perhaps let longer works have a sole champion.

Comments, ideas, volunteers?


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Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 02:44:27 AM
I think it's a proven model, the success is all in how well you promote it.

I won't commit to cohosting, but I listen to Podiobooks and subscribe to Escape Pod, Pseudopod, Drabblecast, Leviathan Chrons., Risk!, This American Life and at least a couple other story shows, so if you wanted a called-in report or an occasional guest, you'd be welcome to call on me.


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Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 12:11:01 PM
I think it's a proven model, the success is all in how well you promote it.

I won't commit to cohosting, but I listen to Podiobooks and subscribe to Escape Pod, Pseudopod, Drabblecast, Leviathan Chrons., Risk!, This American Life and at least a couple other story shows, so if you wanted a called-in report or an occasional guest, you'd be welcome to call on me.

I'd be willing to hand in a regular segment along the lines of "Josh's awesome thing of the week/month".

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Palmer
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  • Posts: 35
Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 12:14:46 PM
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for: some overlap and some differences. I'll ask around some other places and see if we can get a few guests lined up.