I tried posting comments to the download page, but couldn't figure out how to do it. (do comments close after a certain number of posts or amount of time?)
Firstly, i thought it a fitting story for steve to run at the 100th episode, since he held the story in such high esteem and mentioned as much in one of the very first EP episodes.
Narration by Steve was exceptional as always, but unfortunately i was less than impressed with the story for many reasons:
-WAY too long/boring to tell the story as it was. you could have cut the length by 3/4 and conveyed the same thing, leaving out not a single, important plot device; i fell asleep 3 times in 3 attempts to listen, and finally i just FF to the end.
-Main plot theme is just implausible. perhaps if there were some creative plot development describing how one could could possibly go insane by blocking out the sun. Hell, i'm all for a crazed, apocalyptic armageddon brought on by some catalyst, just make that catalyst interesting and at least semi-plausible.
-Ending is just dumb. If you're gonna go out on a limb like this with such a thin main plot, at least come up with an interesting twist at the end, or again, some explanation to make it all somewhat believable.
I apologize for not liking the story. i feel like a traitor to EP by whining about Steve's "favourite short story of all time,"(i think he said something like that and i apologize again for not being sure how to correctly paraphrase), but this story was just balls.