Author Topic: New Member/Listeners  (Read 395611 times)


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on: January 16, 2007, 09:58:02 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I didn't see any kind of "new people say 'hi' here" area.

Obviously I'm a newb and apparently I'm becoming a simpering fanboy, as the highlight of my weekends recently has been is sitting on the couch with my girlfriend and indulging in a string of podcast.
I was raised on Duck's Breath Mystery Theater & Dr. Science, Garrison Keeler, and the annual review of the original Orson Well's "War of the Worlds." Beyond a doubt I'm addicted to the radio-theater experience. I've only listened to a couple pods and a handful of flashes, and a few stories on Pseudopod, and I can't get enough.
I'm not terribly well versed in Sci-Fi, though I have a great appreciation for it. My interest in stories comes more from my love of storytelling. Even trips to the grocery store can be fascinating if told well. I don’t often get hung up on the “big picture” of a story, though I can usually appreciate what the author was trying to convey. I do try to digest what the story was about, but I enjoy stories most for the experience of having heard it and the quirky concepts they include (like "My Friend is a Lesbian Zombie).
A suspension of disbelief isn't difficult for me as each story is in its own world where rules are different... however flaws in logic get my goat every time (humans are humans, wherever they go). I'm sure you'll see me around the forum. I just wanted to say "Hi" and thank "SFEley" for his great work!

Ps. Where do you get the readers? Are you looking for others?

How do you fight a bully that can un-make history?


  • Matross
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Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 12:46:47 PM
welcome to the shiney spam free foruns

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery


  • High Priest of TCoRN
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Reply #2 on: January 17, 2007, 01:40:38 PM
I notice that I'm the only person who's gone and made a point of saying "hi". I kind of assume that’s because most of the contributors here were around for the mythological "Forums of Old" and already know each other. However, if this kind of social interaction is too out of place on the boards I won't be offended if it gets removed.

How do you fight a bully that can un-make history?


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Reply #3 on: January 17, 2007, 03:25:58 PM
I didn't really think about adding a "Hi" thread. :)

I'm new here too (not exactly new to Escape Pod, but I never visited the old forums). :)

Me, I'm a 20-something guy from The Netherlands, who likes all kinds of fiction stories, though the main part are fantasy, sci-fi or (legal) thrillers. :)

As far as I know, there are very little Dutch story-podcasts, and no radio plays at all anymore (though I might be mistaken). So I'll stick to English fiction. Not that I mind though, sometimes I think that I was born in the wrong country, given my penchant to use English more than Dutch.

I'm not much of a writer, I'm more of a reader/listener. :)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 03:53:55 PM by madjo »


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Reply #4 on: January 17, 2007, 03:28:53 PM
I notice that I'm the only person who's gone and made a point of saying "hi". I kind of assume that’s because most of the contributors here were around for the mythological "Forums of Old" and already know each other. However, if this kind of social interaction is too out of place on the boards I won't be offended if it gets removed.

Greetings Thaurismunths and Madjo. Welcome to the forum. I'm Jeffrey R. DeRego, the writer of the Union Dues stories that have been published here at Escape Pod. Glad to have you two along for the ride!

"Happiness consists of getting enough sleep." Robert A. Heinlein
Also, please buy my book - Escape Clause: A Union Dues Novel

Brian Reilly

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Reply #5 on: January 17, 2007, 03:44:33 PM
I am a 30 year-old Scot who loves reading SF, crime novels and lefty political books. My SF preferences are for modern Space Opera (Iain M Banks, Bruce Sterling), SF based on geek/hacker culture (e.g Cory Doctorow), politically-minded novels (Kim Stanley Robinson, Ken Macleod) and the fascinating subject of the Singularity and Posthumanism (Vernor Vinge, Bruce Sterling, Charlie Stross). I love worldbuilding- fiction that creates a believable world or universe the reader can get lost in.

I read the odd bit of fantasy. The worldview found in the likes of Lewis and Tolkein is not mine (nostalgic, authoritarian, over-moralistic) but I appreciate the geeky worldbuilding that went into Middle Earth. I prefer to read Terry Pratchett, and JK Rowling, as well as a bit of Ursula Le Guin's fantasy, and some Moorcock.

The 21st Century is when it all changes, and you’ve gotta be ready- Captain Jack, Torchwood.


  • Hipparch
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Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 05:25:39 PM
I notice that I'm the only person who's gone and made a point of saying "hi". I kind of assume that’s because most of the contributors here were around for the mythological "Forums of Old" and already know each other. However, if this kind of social interaction is too out of place on the boards I won't be offended if it gets removed.

It's not out of place at all!  It's a great idea -- and welcome!

(Hi, my name is Steve, and....  Oh.  You knew that.)

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine

Russell Nash

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Reply #7 on: January 17, 2007, 07:31:54 PM
I notice that I'm the only person who's gone and made a point of saying "hi". I kind of assume that’s because most of the contributors here were around for the mythological "Forums of Old" and already know each other. However, if this kind of social interaction is too out of place on the boards I won't be offended if it gets removed.

It's not out of place at all!  It's a great idea -- and welcome!

(Hi, my name is Steve, and....  Oh.  You knew that.)

Hi my name is Tom(chorus of voices:"Hi, Tom") and I'm an alcoholic. Oh, no, wait, I'm a moderator.

Welcome, I only made one post to the last forum and the next podcast Steve mentioned it was being abandoned.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 08:13:08 PM by Russell Nash »


  • Matross
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Reply #8 on: January 19, 2007, 07:18:47 PM
hi all
i am a brit residing in the northan wastes of the uk,
i am studying english,art and child wrangling

hope to be a teacher some time down the line , aparently you have to be abull to spell thow :(

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery


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Reply #9 on: January 19, 2007, 10:38:57 PM
hope to be a teacher some time down the line , aparently you have to be abull to spell thow :(

awwwww... im sure you'll find a way, there are lotsa things you can teach that dont really require spelling... like maybe a literature analysis type class, tis mostly lecture and readin.

I'm a 16 year old American residing in Miami, FL... tho i am originally from Darnestown, MD.
I'm geared mostly towards english/lit and art, also computers (software, animation, IT)  im really not sure what i want to study or anythin.  Im thinkin game animation would be fun but im not sure if i'd like it as a job... but hey, i dont have to pick a major yet so im fine for now!

I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


  • Matross
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Reply #10 on: January 20, 2007, 07:21:05 AM
hoping to teach art and desigen
weard thing is that i am geting strate A's on my english at the moment

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery


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Reply #11 on: January 22, 2007, 11:48:41 AM
Well, I suppose I was new once, too.

So here's it: I'm me. Not that much to say, beyond that.


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Reply #12 on: January 23, 2007, 10:37:02 PM
Hey, I'm a 16 year old American soccer player (goalie) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'm good at using logic so I'm skilled at math and science, and I do well in basicly all my class (who knows what I could do if i really tried). I'm thinking about going into computer engineering (though who knows what I'll think about doing next). At the moment, I'm learning basic web development (when I get the time which isn't often, to many good podcasts to listen to).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 02:41:03 AM by Reap3r »

Thinking? I've never heard of that. Is it some kind of food? Please tell me it tastes better than those sick pop tarts filled with meat. You know, Hot Pockets. What, thinking isn't a food? Well then, what is it? Does it have to be built. I hate building things. JUST TELL ME NOW! O look, a bird.


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Reply #13 on: January 24, 2007, 12:01:19 AM
I figured, I just stop by and say Hi too. I'm glad to meet all you Earthlings. Looks like a fun place and I am enjoying all the stories too. Nice place you have here and nice to meet you all!

End Transmission:

Tango Alpha Delta

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Reply #14 on: January 24, 2007, 04:39:21 AM
Opportunities to claim "newness" are growing more scarce as the years roll by, so I thought I'd take advantage and say "hi".  Besides, lurking makes me feel creepy.

A friend got me hooked on Escape Pod about a year ago, and the >300 word contest finally motivated me to start contributing.  Part of the procrastination problem is that I haven't actually written much SF, and most of the "fantasy" in my writing has more to do with "accuracy" and "avoiding libel" than with fairies and elves. ;)

My tastes vary from Vonnegut and Vinge to Banks and Bujold; throw in the occasional Steinbeck and an odd assortment of "stuff I had to read in school that I actually liked", and a recently discovered passion for American History textbooks, and you'll have made a nice scratch on the surface.  (Don't worry; it'll buff out.)

I'm feeling verbose tonight after a brush with death this afternoon (the link over to the left will take you to my blog, if you care to share the adventure), so I'm going to stop right there out of mercy.  Just be glad I don't have a pint in me, or I could drivel on all night!

It's a pleasure "meeting" you all.


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Reply #15 on: January 24, 2007, 05:59:33 AM
Great story Tango, just read your latest blog!  Great writing too!

I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


  • Extern
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Reply #16 on: January 24, 2007, 02:46:08 PM
Hi all,

I'm new to the forums, although I've been listening to Escape Pod for a year and a half (ever since I got my now defunct iPod).

I'm Colombian, english is actually my second language, but you wouldn't know it if we spoke.  I work as a teacher in a local school.

I've been into Science Fiction ever since I discovered my dad's hoard of old sci-fi novels, he had tons of Asimov, Bradbury, Anderson, story compilations and books galore.  I've been an avid reader since I was around 9 or 10, and Sci-fi has always been mysafe haven.  I enjoy reading most anything, and my guilty pleasure is rereading The Hitchhiker's Guide series once a year.  Currently I'm book-less, since I'm going to start attending the university and studying Business so I'm trying my hardest not to pick anything new up so I can dedicate my reading to my studies (good luck in that).

I'll be reading you.




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Reply #17 on: January 24, 2007, 03:36:32 PM
I'm a moderator here at the new forums after bugging Steve for months about the spam problem in the old forums.

Since no-one ever reads the massive blocks of text people post about what they really like, I can say whatever I want without fear of reprisal. I like eating babies, tossing old shoes at people at shopping malls, and using my inflatable woman as a decoy to ride in the car pool lane. Actually, we don't have car pool lanes where I live. I don't actually have an inflatable woman, since they're too expensive. I can't bear to part with my old shoes because I always cling to the hope that I'll use them next time I have to slog through the swamp that is my back yard, but instead I leave my newer shoes on because I'm too lazy to switch my orthotic insoles to my old shoes, and then I ruin my newer shoes and end up just buying a new pair and my newer shoes become my new old shoes but they're not as old as my really old shoes so I keep all my shoes in case I need to, I don't know, have a pair in reserve or something. So I have all these old, nasty, dirty shoes around, and one day, I swear, I'm going to take them to the mall and chuck them at people who look like they need an old muddy shoe chucked at them. Like those guys who say "Hey, you got a crack in your windshield?" when you walk by their windshield-repair kiosk, or those other guys who try to get your attention at the cell phone kiosk. I'm like, Hey, when I'm ready to switch cell phone providers or fix the crack in my windshield, I'll come looking for you, and I ain't ever doin' it as a result of making inadvertent eye-contact with some 19-year-old at the mall. As for eating babies, well, if I were really doing that I'd be in prison, most likely, since it's kind of illegal to eat babies.

My imaginary omnipotent friend is more real that your imaginary omnipotent friend.


  • High Priest of TCoRN
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Reply #18 on: January 24, 2007, 03:59:35 PM
Jim, it's all a matter of baby what.

Oh, and hello to everyone who's posted thus far.
(anyone who posts later, too bad)

How do you fight a bully that can un-make history?

Russell Nash

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Reply #19 on: January 24, 2007, 04:44:08 PM
As for eating babies, well, if I were really doing that I'd be in prison, most likely, since it's kind of illegal to eat babies.

It's also hard to get a good supplier. Mine never last longer than one or two.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 06:50:14 PM by Russell Nash »


  • Hipparch
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Reply #20 on: January 24, 2007, 05:16:51 PM
Since no-one ever reads the massive blocks of text people post about what they really like, I can say whatever I want without fear of reprisal. I like eating babies, tossing old shoes at people at shopping malls, and using my inflatable woman as a decoy to ride in the car pool lane.

Crocheting, huh?  And bowling?  Nice.

(By the way -- welcome, everyone!)

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine

Tango Alpha Delta

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Reply #21 on: January 26, 2007, 04:15:24 AM
I'm a moderator here .... in prison, most likely, since it's kind of illegal to eat babies.

Whew!  I'm really glad I held back on the drivel!

(And thanks, Moose!)

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Reply #22 on: January 31, 2007, 04:42:49 PM
Hello everyone:)

   I'm Alasdair Stuart, although everyone up to and including my wife and family simply calls me Al.  I'm a freelance writer and journalist and I tend to listen to Escape Pod both as background to my work (The TV has shiny things moving quickly.  It's too distracting.) and as inspiration.  There are some astonishing writers out there and I'm delighted that Escape Pod and Pseudopod have given me the opportunity to discover their work.
   I grew up in a house filled with music and BBC Radio 4 and for years couldn't actually sleep without the radio in the background.  I'm fascinated both by radio drama and the opportunities presented it by podcasting and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next.

And...I promise not to make the place look messy.

J.R. Blackwell

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Reply #23 on: February 01, 2007, 12:27:08 AM
Hi! I'm J.R. Blackwell. I am a writer and photographer and I live in the Philadelphia area. I love science fiction, podcasting, taking pictures of pretty women, taking pictures of pretty men, freak shows, costumes, noodles, writing, robots, singing with a really great orchestra, men named China, women named Mur, boyfriends named Jared, long socks and big stompy boots.

My Podcast:
My Blog:
My Photos:

Paul Campbell

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Reply #24 on: February 01, 2007, 12:31:33 AM
Hi, I'm Paul. I've been listening to Escape Pod since the beginning and loving it all the way.

I live in Scotland and I'm working busily to bring my own SF/F audio script out as an audio drama serial. I don't get paid to do that however, I get paid to do "clever" stuff with computers at a local college.  I'm also involved in amateur dramatics.

Currently doing my best to delurk, and stay that way.

Paul W. Campbell
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