Author Topic: The Agony and the Ecstasy of Varda  (Read 7788 times)


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on: October 26, 2013, 01:07:37 PM
Thought it might be a good idea for me to start my own writing-accountability thread to brain dump all the stuff kicking around inside my skull. :)

I used to do some casual creative writing back in my early 20's, but haven't done much since until trying out NaNoWriMo in 2010. I started writing short stories in March (only did novels before then), and just began getting into the submissions/rejection fun back in June/July. I've had a couple drabbles featured on the Drabblecast since then, and my current goal is to make my first sale.

Right now, I've got two pieces making their rounds in the wider world. One, my revised Thanksgiving piece from the PC Flash Fiction contest. Two, a SF short story sent to Andromeda Spaceways, where it's been parked for two months.

I've got three more pieces going through revisions, but will probably have to put them on hold until after NaNoWriMo. With any luck, I'll have a few more short stories that don't entirely suck at the end of November as well. It would be nice to have a full stable of stories polished and ready to send around. I've noticed that rejection's a lot more fun if you have at least two stories out, so that you can just shrug and start watching the next one in line! :)

Medical Microfiction: Stories About Science


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Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 05:26:07 PM
I knew this thread would come in handy eventually!

My first pro-market sale, "Photon Girl Ascending", just went live at Penumbra today. And yes, this is a revised version of the flash piece I wrote for the PC contest last fall--my hearty thanks to everyone who offered me feedback, as it had a huge impact on the final expanded version.

The whole issue should be a great read for anyone who likes superhero stories (I for one can't wait to check out "Dating Man").

Medical Microfiction: Stories About Science


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Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 05:44:45 PM
Sweet! Congrats again! Looking forward to reading it :)


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Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 10:55:22 PM
I've got a flash piece, "Mamihlapinatapei", up at Crossed Genres today. The topic is dinosaurs, cultural imperialism, and language extinction. Basically, Jurassic Park with more different rampaging apex predators. ;)

Medical Microfiction: Stories About Science

Richard Babley

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Reply #4 on: July 01, 2014, 11:19:33 PM
Congrats on the pub-

How fitting, Team USA had Torschlußpanik in verlängerung today, and Belgium was full of Schadenfreude.

Silly Germans have great words for everything (PS I live in Germany). ;)


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Reply #5 on: July 01, 2014, 11:29:42 PM
Rock on, good sir! :D I was born in Germany and lived there off and on a couple times (and my parents still live in the Ramstein area). I'm jealous, as there's nothing quite like Deutschland during the World Cup... :D

Thanks for reading, and I'm with you--Germans have the best words indeed.

Medical Microfiction: Stories About Science


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Reply #6 on: August 01, 2014, 03:43:00 PM
I really should update this thing more often. :-)

I've got two stories up this week if anyone would like to see some free fiction!

Ten Wretched Things About Influenza Siderius - at Daily Science Fiction. Ever wake up feeling a little off one morning...?

Makeisha In Time - in Crossed Genres' Time Travel issue. Those who liked Kameron Hurley's "We Have Always Fought" on Podcastle might especially enjoy this one. :)

Medical Microfiction: Stories About Science