Great responses! Thanks everyone for the feedback, I really appreciate it. Positive is nice, but I'll also take constructive if you want to offer it!
Unblinking: Congrats on your own sale to Pseudopod, even if it's a bit late! I never, personally, considered the non-supernatural option, but when you mentioned the protagonist's lack of reaction to the fact the DVD was talking to him, it struck me as a keen observation. It makes me wonder about myself, actually, that the idea that it could be a mundane break with reality never occurred to me. That's also a cool bit about fiction, of course. Great to see other ideas being kicked around, I love it! I'm glad to enjoyed the story! I will say in the first draft the face-slicing bit was more explicit, but my readers suggested that focusing on the less physical aspects of the horror might serve it better. I believe I agree, in the post analysis. Though, ugh! Body horror!
Cheshire_Snark: I agree! Anson's reading really, really blew me away. His voice work oozed character. It was like encountering my own story for the first time! The comparison to the Lament Configuration strikes me as especially apt. I'm glad you enjoyed the ending! I think I trend more the supernatural and existential types of horror rather than mundane. It strikes me as especially scary that you could, more or less, blunder into something evil. As for the doctor's motivations...I may have to revisit that idea in the future.
dream6601: It's one of the oldest and, I think, scariest themes in horror: what would you do for what you want? People are capable of some pretty amazing things, given proper motivation.