Excerpt from an upcoming article I'll be posting, written by my good friend Frank Dutkiewicz:
A few reviews ago, I suggested the editors take a look into the audio market to help get their vast library out there. They responded to me by offering me the audio editor’s job. After sending several unanswered queries to the largest audio publishers out there, I can confidently confirm that I suck as an audio editor. I am clearly out of league but do firmly believe that an audio version of Not Just Rockets and Robots would be a hit. So….
I am asking for help, advice, a shovel to help me dig out of this hole that I am in, to get Daily SF on its rightful place in the audio section of literature. Anyone got anything for me?
Obviously this forum is rich with people who are both knowledgeable and friendly. Any particular advice? May I have permission to point Frank to volunteers with such experience who are willing to take some time to answer some questions and/or give advice for someone just starting from scratch? Message me with contact information, if you are interested, and I'll pass that info on to Frank.
I already pointed him to Graeme Dunlop at his Cast of Wonders address. I hope Graeme doesn't mind, but he came to mind for someone who has experience with production and narration, and who is also a very nice guy.