Amen, Shawn.
Anyway, while I always enjoy a little bit of old-fashioned purple prose, this story left me really cold. It managed to hit both the Damsel in Distress *and* the Wicked Temptress in the same character, and then the plot resolves itself in about the least satisfying way imaginable. Hero is told about a giant evil horror. For lack of anything more interesting to do, Hero encounters the horror, which is both giant and evil as well as horrible. There is a brief interlude for us all to appreciate how terrifying and wrong it is when women have sex thoughts or wield power of any kind. Then, despite being frozen due to horror at the horrible evil horror, Hero manages to shoot his popgun because having a penis makes him awesome somehow and no one ever thought to attack the evil before. Everything explodes all out of proportion, possibly out of sheer awe at how big the hero's penis gun is.
I mean, what, was Thagg the Demigod of the Balloon Animal Dimension? Was he from a plane where everything is made of propane and pure oxygen? It was like action movies from the sixties and seventies, where a single pistol bullet causes any given vehicle to instantly explode in flame.
Maybe it was supposed to be subversive or satirical somehow? I dunno. I missed it if it was. When I heard that the author was a woman who'd fought her way to success in the days when SF was even more of a boy's club than it already is, I was really hoping for an old-timey story that didn't feature heaping gobs of racism or sexism in it. We mostly missed the former, but jeez louise on the latter.