Author Topic: Phobias  (Read 42066 times)


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Reply #25 on: January 08, 2009, 12:50:21 AM
Spiders.  For ages.  Now not so much provided they're not eighty feet wide, undead and covered in blood and ebola or anything...

Wow, 22 months later, and it's still the same!  See what happens when a Threadomancer is about?   :D


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Reply #26 on: January 08, 2009, 11:12:11 AM
I freak the hell out if I hear something buzz by my. Just the sound of a bee/wasp flying sets me on edge

That's me, too, and I have been stung twice, once as a child, and once as a teenager (I'm 50).  If I'm walking outside in sunlight and I see a shadow on the ground of something flying by overhead, I always duck and usually break into a run.

I definitely DO NOT have claustrophobia; I seem to have the opposite, as I adore cozy, enclosed spaces.  I wouldn't have trouble sleeping in an open coffin, or one with A/C if the lid was closed.

While fingernails on a chalkboard are annoying, they don't set my teeth on edge like other people.  What DOES bug me, though, is the feel of fabric (especially linens) running across my teeth.  I had the edge of a pillowcase graze my open mouth once, and it freaked me out.  Just remembering it as I type this sends a shiver...  :o

And I'm not superstitious; just the opposite:  I've owned 3 black cats (though saying you own a cat isn't really correct, I know), my birthday is the 13th (not this month), and when it falls on a Friday in any month, it's usually a fantastic day for me.


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Reply #27 on: January 08, 2009, 02:22:21 PM
I'm not really afraid of anything with a phobia-like intensity, but even thinking about paper cuts gives me that freaky taste/feeling under my tongue that you get when you're really disturbed by something.

You get it under your tongue?  I get it down in my groin area, mainly around my inner thighs and under my nuts.  I never thought to ask anybody else if they get it in the same place.

No phobias here.  I have a pathological abhorrence for the Jerusalem Cricket -- I don't even like to see pictures of the ugly little fucks -- but I wouldn't call it a phobia.  It isn't even a fear.  I just hate the damn things.

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Reply #28 on: January 08, 2009, 03:18:04 PM
Death.  The concept, not necessarily the risk of it, or the trappings of it.  Cemetaries and funeral homes don't bother me, nor do corpses or herses or any of that.  Just the idea of not existing, and not just for me, but for anyone.  Freaks me out bad.  Can't think about it too much or I start getting all panicky.

I feel the same way about spiders that stePH does about Jerusalem Crickets.  Yech.

**edited to correct attribution**
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 09:32:24 PM by gelee »


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Reply #29 on: January 08, 2009, 03:37:29 PM
Death.  The concept, not necessarily the risk of it, or the trappings of it.  Cemetaries and funeral homes don't bother me, nor do corpses or herses or any of that.  Just the idea of not existing, and not just for me, but for anyone.  Freaks me out bad.  Can't think about it too much or I start getting all panicky.

I know that feeling.  If I can't distract myself from the thoughts, I can send myself into a panic attack.  This is one of the reasons I keep my mind occupied.


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Reply #30 on: January 09, 2009, 01:05:02 AM
Death.  The concept, not necessarily the risk of it, or the trappings of it.  Cemetaries and funeral homes don't bother me, nor do corpses or herses or any of that.  Just the idea of not existing, and not just for me, but for anyone.  Freaks me out bad.  Can't think about it too much or I start getting all panicky.

I feel the same way about spiders that Listener does about Jerusalem Crickets.  Yech.

Listener didn't say anything about Jerusalem Crickets.  I'm the only one who did.

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Reply #31 on: January 12, 2009, 09:27:04 PM
Death.  The concept, not necessarily the risk of it, or the trappings of it.  Cemetaries and funeral homes don't bother me, nor do corpses or herses or any of that.  Just the idea of not existing, and not just for me, but for anyone.  Freaks me out bad.  Can't think about it too much or I start getting all panicky.

I feel the same way about spiders that Listener does about Jerusalem Crickets.  Yech.

Listener didn't say anything about Jerusalem Crickets.  I'm the only one who did.
Sorry about that.  I was writing my post and reading the preceding posts backwards.  Screws me up a bit :p


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Reply #32 on: January 13, 2009, 12:55:30 AM
Phobia wise: Dentists. I recently had to go in for an emergency surgery to have a bad tooth removed- despite multiple injections of pain killer (- I've no problem at all with needles or blood.) I was leaking at the eyes. The dental assistant was swabbing my eyes and assuring me they'd "be done soon" for the whole thing. He said he'd never seen someone sit so calm and quiet while crying. It's absolutely an unreasonable fear. But- get me in a dentists office, or worse in the chair and I'm a mess. So- I take terrific care of my teeth so I don't have to go very often.

I have mild fears of: heights, really tight spaces, really really dark places, and large crowds.

There's also the rational/irrational fear of my girls being harmed in some way. Any time I leave them with a sitter I spend large periods of time fretting that they'll be hurt/burn the house down/ manage to wander off etc.

getting old (as in truly elderly) is also starting to become a problem fear for me. I feel much older then I am- and feel older and older every day. I often worry that I'm aging in dog years or somesuch.

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #33 on: January 13, 2009, 03:45:55 AM
Phobia wise: Dentists. I recently had to go in for an emergency surgery to have a bad tooth removed- despite multiple injections of pain killer (- I've no problem at all with needles or blood.) I was leaking at the eyes. The dental assistant was swabbing my eyes and assuring me they'd "be done soon" for the whole thing. He said he'd never seen someone sit so calm and quiet while crying. It's absolutely an unreasonable fear. But- get me in a dentists office, or worse in the chair and I'm a mess. So- I take terrific care of my teeth so I don't have to go very often.

Did you ever watch the film Marathon Man

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising

Boggled Coriander

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Reply #34 on: January 13, 2009, 04:28:07 AM
I hate large crawly bugs, and I especially hate the feeling of one crawling on me.  This is totally irrational hindbrain stuff, and I can't and won't attempt to logically explain it.  Really kind of inconvenient for me, since I really like traveling and living in hot tropical and subtropical climates, particularly in the parts of the world where the creepiest, crawliest bugs feel most at home.

I seem to have no innate fear of heights.  I've freaked out hiking companions because of this, since I'll do dumb stuff like go right up to the edge of a cliff and look down.  This is one of the personality traits I've identified as possibly causing my death one day.

"The meteor formed a crater, vampires crawling out of the crater." -  The Lyttle Lytton contest


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Reply #35 on: January 13, 2009, 04:34:30 AM
I can't stand spider webs on me.  I don't mind spiders so much, but a web or a strand from a web?  It's not a phobia, but it creeps me out!  I'm 6'5", so if I walk behind people, they don't always get the webs first.  I must look silly walking around waving sticks in front of me, BUT I DON'T CARE!


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Reply #36 on: January 13, 2009, 09:34:57 PM
Did you ever watch the film Marathon Man

I don't believe I have. I've heard the name- but I can't directly recall seeing the movie. Is this something that'd give me the screaming heebie jeebies? 'Cause that'd almost be fun.

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #37 on: January 13, 2009, 10:17:11 PM
Did you ever watch the film Marathon Man

I don't believe I have. I've heard the name- but I can't directly recall seeing the movie. Is this something that'd give me the screaming heebie jeebies? 'Cause that'd almost be fun.

How about Little Shop of Horrors?


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Reply #38 on: January 14, 2009, 03:50:45 AM
Did you ever watch the film Marathon Man

I don't believe I have. I've heard the name- but I can't directly recall seeing the movie. Is this something that'd give me the screaming heebie jeebies? 'Cause that'd almost be fun.

There's a famous interrogation scene that your post put me in mind of:

Lawrence Olivier as the sadistic Nazi dentist. 

Dustin Hoffman strapped into the chair. 

"Is it safe?"

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
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Reply #39 on: January 14, 2009, 04:55:03 PM

How about Little Shop of Horrors?

Yes! And that's my occsional delusion of dentists: sadits who enjoy my tears.

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #40 on: January 14, 2009, 08:31:25 PM
I have a phobia of Alisdair Stuart.


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Reply #41 on: January 19, 2009, 11:04:30 PM
I have a phobia of Alisdair Stuart.

But Raving_Lunatic, you don't understand!  The posts...they're coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!


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Reply #42 on: January 20, 2009, 07:33:48 PM
I have a phobia of Alisdair Stuart.

But Raving_Lunatic, you don't understand!  The posts...they're coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
Man, do you have a book of memorable movie lines for reference?  I always listen to the last line of your outro to see if I can figure out what movie it came from. (When a Stranger Calls, right?).


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Reply #43 on: January 20, 2009, 07:36:17 PM
You nailed it, gelee!  I didn't watch the remake, thankfully.


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Reply #44 on: January 22, 2009, 03:42:13 PM
I have a phobia of Alisdair Stuart.

But Raving_Lunatic, you don't understand!  The posts...they're coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
Man, do you have a book of memorable movie lines for reference?  I always listen to the last line of your outro to see if I can figure out what movie it came from. (When a Stranger Calls, right?).

It's all in my head.  Seriously, I'm like Tony Stark if he was from the Isle of Man, couldn't solder without burning himself but could remember what the last episode of Third Watch was called.

Okay that's about as far from Tony Stark as you can get BUT, they are in fact all in my head.  Although I do use Cloverfield and Ghostbusters a fair bit:)


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Reply #45 on: January 22, 2009, 04:23:34 PM
I have a phobia of Alisdair Stuart.

But Raving_Lunatic, you don't understand!  The posts...they're coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
Man, do you have a book of memorable movie lines for reference?  I always listen to the last line of your outro to see if I can figure out what movie it came from. (When a Stranger Calls, right?).

It's all in my head.  Seriously, I'm like Tony Stark if he was from the Isle of Man, couldn't solder without burning himself but could remember what the last episode of Third Watch was called.

Okay that's about as far from Tony Stark as you can get BUT, they are in fact all in my head.  Although I do use Cloverfield and Ghostbusters a fair bit:)
Predator: Pseudopod ain't got time to bleed.
That's one of my favorites.


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Reply #46 on: January 22, 2009, 04:37:18 PM
I think an evening with some good beer and Alasdair, Gelee, stePH and Zathras would be quite entertaining.  Well, to some, at least.


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Reply #47 on: January 22, 2009, 10:56:32 PM
I think an evening with some good beer and Alasdair, Gelee, stePH and Zathras would be quite entertaining.  Well, to some, at least.
Huh.  As long as I'm home by 9:30 :)  As the song says, all my rowdy freinds have settled down.


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Reply #48 on: January 23, 2009, 01:22:54 AM
I think an evening with some good beer and Alasdair, Gelee, stePH and Zathras would be quite entertaining.  Well, to some, at least.

I'm up for it if the rest of you are  :)

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #49 on: January 23, 2009, 03:32:08 AM
Any time you're near Fargo, look me up.

No, we don't all talk like that.  ;D

Uff Da.

When will all the rhetorical questions end?