I freak the hell out if I hear something buzz by my. Just the sound of a bee/wasp flying sets me on edge
That's me, too, and I have been stung twice, once as a child, and once as a teenager (I'm 50). If I'm walking outside in sunlight and I see a shadow on the ground of something flying by overhead, I always duck and usually break into a run.
I definitely DO NOT have claustrophobia; I seem to have the opposite, as I adore cozy, enclosed spaces. I wouldn't have trouble sleeping in an open coffin, or one with A/C if the lid was closed.
While fingernails on a chalkboard are annoying, they don't set my teeth on edge like other people. What DOES bug me, though, is the feel of fabric (especially linens) running across my teeth. I had the edge of a pillowcase graze my open mouth once, and it freaked me out. Just remembering it as I type this sends a shiver...

And I'm not superstitious; just the opposite: I've owned 3 black cats (though saying you own a cat isn't really correct, I know), my birthday is the 13th (not this month), and when it falls on a Friday in any month, it's usually a fantastic day for me.