Author Topic: Pimping Your Own Project  (Read 4371 times)


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on: April 27, 2007, 05:44:32 PM
If you had a self-published project you were working on, how would you go about promoting it?

I ask because I'm the editor of an anthology called "Triangulation:  End of Time" (I'd link to it, but there's nothing to link to just yet).  It's the fourth in a series of anthologies produced by a group in Pittsburgh, but very few people outside of a small circle in the Pittsburgh area have ever heard of us.  It's a print anthology, but it's going to be available on-line this year and I'm very strongly leaning towards also making a PDF download available for cheap.  (Was it Eric Flint who said that obscurity is a vastly greater threat to writers than piracy?)

If you were in the position of having to establish what's more or less a brand-new market, what are some things you might try to promote it?  (Other than, you know, mentioning it by name in a post ostensibly dedicated to a larger topic.  *cough*)  What kinds of things might make you as a reader look at an anthology and say "Ooh, yeah, I gotta get me some of that!"?  Ever stumble across a resource that made you say "Damn, if only I had some fiction project to promote, this would be killer advice!"?

Thanks in advance.  :-)

Rachel Swirsky

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Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 10:18:37 PM
Go make yourself a thread at Speculations, certainly. Make a website. Get on the radio, if you can. Poke some of the people who run bigger small presses (say Duchamp @ Aqueduct) and see what they can tell you.