If someone told me going into this that I would come out really enjoying a story rife with monkey erotica, I would have called them crazy. Of course, I'm being facetious, but I did really enjoy this story. The dichotomy of a young woman trapped in a chimpanzee body, and being a part of both worlds, but apart from them as well, was really fascinating. I struggled to decide if I should be cheering for her relationship with the janitor, who is of like mind, or Johnson, who is of like body. Only the latter would be socially acceptable, but even then it's a human having relations with an animal. So where's the line? I really appreciate how this story made a call and stood by it.
One thing that I really liked about this story compared to other tales of human minds in non-human bodies, is how the chimp mind remained when Rachel's mind was inserted. In most stories of this nature, the original mind is overwritten, so you have just a human mind in an animal body. But in this story, Rachel is both a young woman
and a young chimpanzee, with the memories, instincts, and urges of each. So her struggles with identity are very real.
Obviously I would have loved to see the end of the story, rather than ending on such an unknown event. But I think Pat Murphy did a great job setting up just enough foreshadowing of support that we can assume a happy ending. Still, even if they're caught and accepted by the news people and other supporters, this question of "Should a young woman really be romantically and physically involved with a chimp?" is going to come up and going to cause considerable problems. Religious people will rail against it, while others may show love and support. There are so many questions of what happens
after they get home that I can understand slic's comment that this feels like only half the story. We want to know more...
Great choice, EP, great production. All around satisfying episode.