Author Topic: PC322: Saving Bacon  (Read 17254 times)


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on: July 30, 2014, 12:31:09 PM
PodCastle 322: Saving Bacon

by Ann Leckie

Read by Alasdair Stuart (of Pseudopod, Escape Pod, and Many Other – Possibly All – Good Things)

A PodCastle Original!

The continuation of the race is of course the first and highest priority of those privileged to be born into the ancient family of Vachash-Troer, and I, Slale Vachash-Troer, am so privileged. As a male, I am unable to perpetuate the family name, but one still likes to promote connections to other families of similarly distinguished ancestry, connections that, so I’m told, increase the wealth and influence of our noble line.

Still, I had a distinct lack of enthusiasm for it when Aunt Eone tried to marry me off.

Rated PG. Contains pigs and marriages (or at least, attempts at marriages)

Listen to this week’s PodCastle!

Update from Dave: There were some technical issues with the file we originally posted. I've pulled the file down, and we'll work on it and try and repost tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!

Update #2: I posted the new file last night, and everything's good to go. Enjoy your Bacon!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 12:20:55 PM by Talia »


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Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 02:06:07 PM
That was fun!

The language, the setting, The characters and Alistair's dodgy posh accent gave it a Woodhouse kind of feel, while at the same time, the actual story was infinitely better than Woodhouse.

Mind you, I consider that a pretty low bar, so I say again - It was FUN!

I loved the way the god was a sort of Wide-Boy character, trading favours for a leg up in the world. Just like Slale's family were trying to boost their own social station in the time honoured manner of Aristocrats everywhere.

Thanks guys for that rarest of rare things, a really good story about an upper class twit.

Fresh slush - Shot this morning in the Vale of COW


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Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 02:23:51 PM
Just a general FYI: There were some technical issues with the file we originally posted. I've pulled the file down, and we'll work on it and try and repost tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!

(I updated the original post to reflect this as well.)

That said, glad it didn't give you any trouble while listening, SpareInch!


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Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 05:36:08 PM
Naa... I noticed that some of the editing on the audio file hadn't been done, but I coped with it. You guys are generally pretty hot on that sort of thing, but some retakes are bound to slip through. You're all only human

Aren't you?

Fresh slush - Shot this morning in the Vale of COW


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Reply #4 on: July 30, 2014, 07:25:40 PM

*hides a tentacle*


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Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 01:40:11 PM
I found the story cute and amusing, and the Pratchett-ian flavor to the gods (they die without belief/prayer) plus the twist that they can't lie was nice.

However, I felt like the story might have been trying to do too much by so clearly lampshading* the "men rule the world in fantasy literature" trope. It seemed as though the references to things that women "usually" do in fantasy fiction being done by men grew more obvious and heavy-handed as the story went on. That's where it lost its humor and charm for me.

Alasdair was a wonderful choice to read this, and I loved his delivery. It made me stick with the story longer than I probably would have done.

* I may be misusing the term "lampshading" here. I probably meant "subverting", although I didn't use it because I don't think there's a word that means "subverting the trope and then lampshading one's subversion".

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Reply #6 on: July 31, 2014, 02:44:00 PM
Just wanted to note - I did post a corrected file last night :)


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Reply #7 on: July 31, 2014, 06:57:59 PM
I like the idea of the role-reversal of gender norms in this society, and I would have actually liked to have seen more about that. I was also really into the idea that the gods can't lie and that they only have the power given to them by their worshippers. I faintly remember liking the other stories in this universe run by Podcastle, but it's been so long since I listened that I honestly don't remember much about them.
I remained cautiously optimistic that "Saving Bacon" would mean that the pig would survive the tale, although I know Anna pretty much negated this hope with her intro. The pig was the only character in the story that I actually liked other than the woman tinkering with ballooning, but I assume the negative portraits of the other characters was an intentional jab at the aristocracy.
I am a little tired of the whole "Bacon is awesome! LOL! Killing animals is hilarious!" mentality that is so pervasive. I'm not surprised Podcastle and Leckie went there since it is so popular, but it did detract from my enjoyment of this episode. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty decent story.


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Reply #8 on: August 01, 2014, 09:20:01 AM
I like the idea of the role-reversal of gender norms in this society, and I would have actually liked to have seen more about that. I was also really into the idea that the gods can't lie and that they only have the power given to them by their worshippers. I faintly remember liking the other stories in this universe run by Podcastle, but it's been so long since I listened that I honestly don't remember much about them.
I remained cautiously optimistic that "Saving Bacon" would mean that the pig would survive the tale, although I know Anna pretty much negated this hope with her intro. The pig was the only character in the story that I actually liked other than the woman tinkering with ballooning, but I assume the negative portraits of the other characters was an intentional jab at the aristocracy.
I am a little tired of the whole "Bacon is awesome! LOL! Killing animals is hilarious!" mentality that is so pervasive. I'm not surprised Podcastle and Leckie went there since it is so popular, but it did detract from my enjoyment of this episode. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty decent story.

I liked the role reversal too, but didn't actually think of it much. I suppose it really just provided a nice way to introduce suitably Woodhouse-style overbearing aunts. It was done right though, and I was never left thinking that the female characters were male or vice versa, the women were simply in charge. And that was that.

I think the story was non the worse for the spoiler in the intro though. It was fairly clear that only one Bacon was going to get saved, and that was Slale's Bacon.

From the perspective of Messrs Wooster and Jeeves, it is, alas, the lot of The Porcine Race to end their days as breakfast.

Fresh slush - Shot this morning in the Vale of COW


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Reply #9 on: August 01, 2014, 11:39:08 AM
I guess I forgot about the intro. I was bummed that the happy ending included slaughtering the cute little piggy. I may be biased because I have a friend who has a pet pig - not pot belly. I'm talking a 400 pound beast. That she kept in a guest room. Long story. It doesn't keep me from eating bacon, but seeing a loyal companion who follows at its owner's heels get slaughtered ... No.


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Reply #10 on: August 08, 2014, 03:14:41 AM
Loved. This. This worked so well as a send up of Jeeves and Wooster! Also, Alasdair nailed that reading. :D

What seemed initially to be a straight role-reversal between the sexes was slowly and gloriously revealed to be a fairly exact porting over of one story line and many of the main characters, including Gussie Fink-Nottle. Right down to his fish-faced expressions! (Yes, I am a Wodehouse fan, why do you ask?) Imperious aunts and horrid cousins galore, and the inane games down at the club! Though I will say that Slale didn't make out quite as well on the god's plan as Bertie generally makes out using Jeeves' plans. :P

I really enjoyed both of the previous stories in this universe, but found it really difficult to recognize that universe in this story. I can't quite put my finger on the reason it felt different though.


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Reply #11 on: August 11, 2014, 02:43:34 PM
I didn't really get into the story.  I generally like universes involving the Pratchett kind of God where worship is sustenance, so I thought I would.  But I just found all of the characters generally annoying.  The main character's largest tribulation in life is that he doesn't feel like working.  Oh noes, the horrors, you might have to life your hand and do something...  I appreciated that in the end he got tricked into actually getting a job, but too little too late.

I love Alasdair, and I love Alasdair's voice acting in general, but this time I found it distracting.  I found the pronunciation of "Vachash-Troer" hilarious, but hilarious enough that I didn't hear anything for the next 15 seconds after each time the name was spoken.  Was it supposed to be hilarious?  Was it supposed to be distracting?  I don't know.  His little girl voice was also quite distracting, especially when the kid yells "Bacon!" without any forewarning, put me in mind of Monty Python's female characters, which again was kind of hilarious but extremely distracting and left me unable to pay attention to the story for a while.


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Reply #12 on: August 12, 2014, 06:33:05 AM
I found it enjoyable as far as it went, but it does point out that Wooster is only so much fun withOUT Jeeves, and god or not, a smartass sparrow just isn't the same.

Also, I, too, found Al's Aunt Eone to be just a bit too reminiscent of Terry Jones' screeching Pepper Pots from Monty Python. Not that it wasn't amusing …. just distracting.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 06:13:22 AM by InfiniteMonkey »


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Reply #13 on: August 12, 2014, 01:04:15 PM
His little girl voice was also quite distracting, especially when the kid yells "Bacon!" without any forewarning, put me in mind of Monty Python's female characters, which again was kind of hilarious but extremely distracting and left me unable to pay attention to the story for a while.

I guess this is just one of those "one listener's annoyance is another's pure delight" things, because Al yelling "BACON!!" absolutely cracked me up to the point of hysterical tears. :D The whole episode was amazing and hilarious. I've been holding off on commenting until I could re-listen, but someone's gotta defend the honor of "BACON!!" :P

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Reply #14 on: August 12, 2014, 03:11:17 PM
His little girl voice was also quite distracting, especially when the kid yells "Bacon!" without any forewarning, put me in mind of Monty Python's female characters, which again was kind of hilarious but extremely distracting and left me unable to pay attention to the story for a while.

I guess this is just one of those "one listener's annoyance is another's pure delight" things, because Al yelling "BACON!!" absolutely cracked me up to the point of hysterical tears. :D The whole episode was amazing and hilarious. I've been holding off on commenting until I could re-listen, but someone's gotta defend the honor of "BACON!!" :P

Like I said, I found it funny too, but also extremely distracting--the whole story disappeared as I pictured Al on stage with Monty Python during their Spam skit.
"Spam, spam, spam, eggs, and spam."


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Reply #15 on: August 12, 2014, 03:21:04 PM
Like I said, I found it funny too, but also extremely distracting--the whole story disappeared as I pictured Al on stage with Monty Python during their Spam skit.
"Spam, spam, spam, eggs, and spam."

AHAHAHA! Oh, that skit's positively golden. Okay, everyone, let's relive it together!

Spammity spaaaam, wonderful spaaaaam!

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Reply #16 on: August 17, 2014, 11:47:26 AM
I have been so so busy and have really neglected this forum (it's not that I don't love you all!) but I had to take a minute to praise this story and the reading.  It was truly a LOT of fun!


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Reply #17 on: August 17, 2014, 10:56:43 PM
Absolutely brilliant. In don't know why Wodehouse doesn't get the treatment more often. Literary podcasts are choked with homages to Lovecraft, and he barely had half the talent.


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Reply #18 on: August 18, 2014, 06:14:30 AM
Absolutely brilliant. In don't know why Wodehouse doesn't get the treatment more often. Literary podcasts are choked with homages to Lovecraft, and he barely had half the talent.

Because Lovecraft's a lot easier to imitate.  :)


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Reply #19 on: August 20, 2014, 12:51:07 PM
One of the best gifts my college roommate gave me was introducing me to Wodehouse.  Love this story.  A worthy homage.

Also, Alasdair's reading gave me a great idea for a story EA needs to run--a comedy of manners set at Pesudopod towers.


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Reply #20 on: August 26, 2014, 04:45:28 AM
Really bummed that PodCastle made light of killing animals. I could accept you guys running the story, but the flippant commentary around it was too much. I'm surprised you didn't realize how much that would alienate your animal-friendly listeners.


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Reply #21 on: August 26, 2014, 03:33:35 PM
Really bummed that PodCastle made light of killing animals. I could accept you guys running the story, but the flippant commentary around it was too much. I'm surprised you didn't realize how much that would alienate your animal-friendly listeners.

It's been a little while since I listened to the episode, would you mind elaborating on what the flippant commentary was that bothered you?


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Reply #22 on: August 26, 2014, 06:56:44 PM
Alasdair was the perfect choice for narrator for this story, well done.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Reply #23 on: September 08, 2014, 06:31:41 PM
This was fun. Made extra crispy with the "Python-esque" voice work.
Sometimes silly is just the thing one needs!  :D


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Reply #24 on: September 12, 2014, 05:44:27 PM
I loved the premise for this one and the whole idea of the god's living on belief and having to spend their power to make their lies a truth, which ties in with the whole belief thing. I thought that was very clever and very cool.

The whole role reversal thing was poorly handled though. The author may aswell have gone the whole hog and given her male characters child bearing hips and vaginas. And she may aswell have given the women folk the penises they so clearly long for. The males didn't seem male in any way apart from their role in reproduction. Maybe that was the point?

I get that the author was putting man in woman's position, but  if that was the case wouldn't he have been excited to start working? Most female leads in these kind of stories always pine for a life of excitement and adventure and are often envious of their male counter-parts, but here the men were happy to women. So thought that was a bit lame.

Otherwise great narration and interesting world building.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 05:50:17 PM by gutguzzler »