I had the absolute pleasure of listening to this yestrday during my lunchtime walk. I work in a very large "industrial park" and I have gotten into the habit of taking long walks while listening either to podcasts or audiobooks, and this was the first time that I was actually a bit self-conscious as the cars drove by. I was literally laughing out loud, wide grin full of teeth and all. I had to look a bit unstable.
I like the memoir style for stories, and this for me was a new twist on it. The Old Woman With No Teeth is a fantastic character, I love cranky old women who aren't quite as cranky as they appear to be. Someone once referred to me as "The Diet Coke of Evil" when I was
trying to be diabolical, and TOWWNT reminded me of that. I am going to imagine she and the Scribbler having many years of companionable banter ahead of them, perhaps even together caring for the "children".
May we please have more Sons of Buttery Thunder? Please?
And, Dave, I really appreciated the amendment to the ending quote
Thank you!