Author Topic: episode comment forum permission  (Read 8986 times)


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on: May 10, 2007, 03:20:42 PM
How many posts do you need to make before you're permitted to start a thread in Episode Comments?  I really wanted to post something about #105 but there's no "New Topic" button yet for me.

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Simon Painter

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Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 03:44:50 PM
same here.  I don't know (as I'm stilly a newby around here) but I think only moderators can do it.

We'll just have to sit tight, I'm afraid  :-[

Simon Painter
Shropshire, UK

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Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 03:58:17 PM
Only the Mods have permission to start threads there.
You can prod the mods if they haven't started one, or give it a couple hours and they'll get to it.
Your comment will still be as cool and insightful tonight as it is right now. ;)

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Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 04:21:29 PM
How many posts do you need to make before you're permitted to start a thread in Episode Comments?  I really wanted to post something about #105 but there's no "New Topic" button yet for me.

What Thaurismunths said.  The "Episode Comments" boards are set so that only moderators can post new topics, but everyone can respond, just to keep those boards organized.  Russell usually does it for the EP board, but he's on vacation this week.

At some point I'm hoping to find or write some sort of SMF/Wordpress integration to keep the posts and comments in sync between the Web site and the forums.  In the meantime...  I have to agree, the present system isn't optimal.  But it mostly works, within a few hours at least. 

Thanks for your patience, and I look forward to reading your comments.

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


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Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 04:31:54 PM
How many posts do you need to make before you're permitted to start a thread in Episode Comments?  I really wanted to post something about #105 but there's no "New Topic" button yet for me.

What Thaurismunths said.  The "Episode Comments" boards are set so that only moderators can post new topics, but everyone can respond, just to keep those boards organized.  Russell usually does it for the EP board, but he's on vacation this week.

At some point I'm hoping to find or write some sort of SMF/Wordpress integration to keep the posts and comments in sync between the Web site and the forums.  In the meantime...  I have to agree, the present system isn't optimal.  But it mostly works, within a few hours at least. 

Thanks for your patience, and I look forward to reading your comments.

Well, they're posted now.  ;D

As for the forum integration, I used to run a WP blog with PHPBB and couldn't find a way to integrate the two.  What I ended up doing was putting a link at the end of each post pointing to a forum topic that I or another moderator started.  It didn't really work that well, and after eight months, we went to regular old comments through WP.  Since you have a more robust forum than we did, though, perhaps there's a PHP programmer somewhere out there who enjoys EP and can put the two together.  (SMF is PHP too, I believe.  Imagine how hard it would be if WP was PHP and SMF was VB or CFM?)

That's far too many abbrevs.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Leon Kensington

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Reply #5 on: July 23, 2007, 09:35:09 PM
OMG that is so many that I think my brain is going to go into O/D!


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Reply #6 on: July 24, 2007, 03:09:22 PM
Steve,there is a way to go in reverse, that is the Forum drives the weblog... essentially you make that Escapepod forum an RSS feed that beams itself to the weblog and instantly mirrors what is posted.  There is a free version for PHPBB, which I did get to work once, but when I googled Forum RSS feed, I got a lot of hits--surely one of them will work for simple machines. 



  • Hipparch
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Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 12:49:22 PM
Steve,there is a way to go in reverse, that is the Forum drives the weblog... essentially you make that Escapepod forum an RSS feed that beams itself to the weblog and instantly mirrors what is posted.  There is a free version for PHPBB, which I did get to work once, but when I googled Forum RSS feed, I got a lot of hits--surely one of them will work for simple machines. 

Hrm. If I ever get some time to spare, I'd be tempted to play around with that idea...

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