I REALLY hated story. I mean, the premise was cute and the story itself was okay, but the implications of those left behind left me cold.
Full disclosure: I was not in foster care, but my parent's fostered children when I was a pre-teen and teenager. So, I've not been in the system, but I've been on the periphery, and have first-hand knowledge of what bad parenting can do to a child.
Listening to this story made me angry. What about those children in abusive homes who don't get chosen? What about the infants who are killed by a drunken significant other of their parent? What about those who are parentless, who either live on the street or in foster homes with sub-standard caregivers who won't take the kids to see Santa? What about those who don't live in a Christian nation, or whose families don't celebrate Christmas, or whose Christmas traditions involve another gift-giver, like Baby Jesus? And what about those who live in poverty with loving families, who are still starving to death, or are forced to do manual labor to survive?
And those who are taken, they trade one crap life for another? I guess it would ruin the point of the story for the North Pole to be all glitter and candy canes, but there could have been a little more joy. These kids were rescued from horrible situations, and they go straight to sorting garbage and mucking out reindeer poop? No thanks.
I do have to say, that Santa Claus voice was spot on. And I'm glad that Alex and Poppy got happy endings. I just can't shake the overall distaste that this story left in my mouth.