So, I am fortunate in that I have had the pleasure of hearing Brendan read his stuff at live events for many years now. I'm familiar enough with his voice that, while Wilson is one of my favorite narrators, I heard this story in a sort of weird brain-stereo, as if Wilson was in one channel, and Brendan in the other. As always, I love the little snatches of local color he works in, familiar landmarks to a fellow Chicagoan (okay, well, Chicago-adjacent-an, anyway). And for whatever reason, I have always been a sucker for antlers, so that was cool. Like another poster, I also thought Kevin was going to turn out to be the son of a god, which might have put an interesting spin on his backpack patch- an atheist, but definitely not an agnostic! Hm, now that I think of it, there was nothing in this story precluding a sequel in which we meet Kevin's dad... As for the roses, I'm pretty sure that if Kat doesn't remember being a goddess, Kevin doesn't remember visiting the astral plane to chat with her hubby either. He probably thought the flowers were his own idea. I like both of the protagonists, they're portrayed as thoughtful, considered and considerate people, and we could do with more of that in relationship-centric fiction, to counterbalance all the brash, foolhardy romanticism that sets such a terrible example for all the impressionable youths. Thanks, Brendan, for another fun yarn. Now get to work on some sci-fi so you can polish off that hat trick!