I love this story. It was the first (and so far only) one I delved into the archives to listen to (previous to the story I joined the podcast with) when I was craving Escape Pod and had already listened to that week's episode.
I would have liked to hear more about the Vienna group's research that May receives, but I both also like the teaser, and how not delving into it mimics May's life cycle. She doesn't have to read it this week; her daughter or granddaughter probably will.
It's also an interesting take on reincarnation. Is each successive generation 'the same person with changing bodies' since each generation retains the memories of the whole line, or not since they clearly recognize generational distinctions and not just "waking up in a new body."
How does having twins affect the clan memories? Will the twin not named May go off to found her own line in another city, or will they pal around for a few generations before splitting up?
Also a good nature vs nurture exploration. "nurture" in this case would have to consist of memories from previous generations, since the current May unless a twin will have few outside influences, but how does the influx of human DNA affect subsequent generations' personalities and instincts?
Are all Mays heterosexual? What if a generation happens to be a lesbian? Are there any trans Mays?
The story doesn't have to answer all of these questions--and if it tried, it would probably not be as good. But I'm fascinated by stories that are not only satisfying by themselves, but also leave me with questions and curiosities and avenues of exploration.