Author Topic: EP518: Brain Worms and White Whales  (Read 13444 times)


  • Extern
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Reply #25 on: March 07, 2017, 04:54:20 PM
So, yeah, I'm about a year behind in my listenership, but I just heard this episode and I found it really funny, so I'm going to comment on it anyway. 

I really like the super-anxious, hypochondriacal main character.  What an imagination!  He reminded me of a character in a novel I read called Further Complications by Bryn Schurman, who had a similar anxiety-induced, overactive imagination.  Come to think of it the character in that book had a druggie friend who encouraged him into uncomfortable situations too.  Is this a trope?  It seems like a relationship that is ripe for hilarity. 

I also like that in the end, his hypochondria becomes a super-power.  You think you can scare me?  I've already imagined this scenario and a hundred worse scenarios!  This one really tickled my funnybone, and had me laughing out loud.  Good show!  I can't wait to find out what else I've missed in the past year. 


  • Hipparch
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Reply #26 on: November 15, 2017, 05:16:21 AM
Okay, I sort of enjoyed it, but had lots of problems with it throughout. As several posters mentioned, I found the first parts jarringly disjointed from the rest. The character's name felt like a dumb joke that refused to die. And the silliness just left me scratching my head.

The narration was top notch, though!