Episode 196: She Sleeps Beneath the Sea by Shveta Thakrar• Narrated by
Mahvesh Murad• Audio production by
Jeremy Carter• Originally published in
Faerie (Issue 31, Summer 2015)
Our story this week is the haunting and lovely
She Sleeps Beneath the Sea by
Shveta Thakrar. Shveta is a writer of South Asian–flavored fantasy, social justice activist, and part-time nagini. She draws on her heritage, her experience growing up with two cultures, and her love of myth to spin stories about spider silk and shadows, magic and marauders, and courageous girls illuminated by dancing rainbow flames. When not hard at work on her second novel, a young adult fantasy about stars, Shveta makes things out of glitter and paper and felt, devours books, daydreams, draws, bakes sweet treats, travels, and occasionally even practices her harp. You can find more of her work in
Uncanny and the excellent
Kaleidoscope anthology, and her poems have appears in
Mythic Delirium and
Strange Horizons. Learn more on her
website and
Your narrator is the extremely talented
Mahvesh Murad. Mahvesh is a voice artist, editor, book reviewer and recovering radio host. She’s the editor of the Apex
Book of World SF 4, as well as the co-editor of a forthcoming anthology of jinn stories from Solaris. She lives in Karachi, Pakistan. You can follow her on
Twitter and her
She sleeps beneath the sea. Shh, shh, plish, splash. The susurration brushes past her unresponsive ears as the surf tucks itself below her chin, a sleek coverlet of warm salt water in shades of blue and green and bordered with seed pearls of foam. Reclining on her side, her dark tresses matted against the damp sand and one brown hand supporting her head, she hints at secrets in the mysterious tongue of slumber: a slight gasp here, a soft sigh there.Click here to listen to Episode 196Click here to read the text of the storyShveta’s inspirational image,
La Dormeuse, by
Alain Lacki.
Tags: Cast of Wonders, dissatisfaction, family, Fantasy, fitting in, growing up, Mahvesh Murad, Modern Fantasy, naga, ocean, shape changer, Shveta Thakrar, wanderlust, Young Adult fiction