Arg, the plight of an introvert with an overbearing parent. I like this story. It's one of the stories i have listened to repeatedly, partially because i'm usually doing something and miss parts, and partially because i like it that much. I've had friends with absurdly religious parents like Barbara--one whose mother thought their D&D books would attract demons to the house, and one whose parents and church convinced them that masturbation is an addiction. Oy. Oi! I am reminded of what i told my guidance counselors in junior high and thought for years after--that i didn't want to be happy. Because everyone i saw who identified as "happy" was a mindless twit or was otherwise something i couldn't relate to. I wasn't a druggie, drop out, criminal, or a teen parent--i was something way worse: i had "low self-esteem". And anxiety. But my anxiety wasn't nearly as bad as Isabel's, although i had a moment of it when i was at an ice cream stand with friends and my current partner, and they said, "This doesn't have to be an existential crisis." But what if i pick a flavor and don't like it?! My brain was a bit more troubled back then and i have since realized that most substances available at ice cream stands are of dubious quality anyway, and often full of corn syrup. Having a social media feed of doppels could help alleviate the feeling of being alone in the multiverse.