Hard to follow, but very tantalizing. For me the loose threads worked in a way to make me want to go deeper into it. The father was obviously on the losing end of the "game" as he was down to one building. The Mothers were obviously taking up what was left in the society and the Father discovered a way to use the feelings of the child to get its own ends. This is a chilling view of the end results of AIs manipulating the emotions of the people to their own ends. It distills our actions down to a programming language that just needs to be figured out. This is like the story, which name I don't recall, played on Escape Pod where a robot has married a human and is fighting for robot rights, only to find out they have surreptitiously been programming the people with gases. In that it ends with the robots being no better than the people, becoming dictators that manipulate people more for the fun of doing it than for any cause. In this, the brutal reality of survival has led the AIs to manipulate people in cold and meticulous ways. They are not human and will follow their logic to the course of getting what they need, no matter the emotional toll.
I want to follow more of this, to see if the boy's rage at losing the girl he loved moves him to rebel. Could he be the fall out of a plan that succeeded in increasing Father's influence, at the cost of creating a new enemy. Desperation to survive, leading to a plan that ultimately could be his undoing. Of course, he is very powerful and the boy may find himself continue to be a pawn in a bigger game. You see how easily it is to meander into so many interesting directions with this?