Author Topic: CoW Ep. 209: A Real Stand-Up Guy  (Read 3489 times)


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on: June 26, 2016, 04:03:21 PM
Episode 209: A Real Stand-Up Guy by Daniel and Mary E. Lowd

• Narrated by Mat Weller
• Audio production by Jeremy Carter
• Originally appeared in Allasso (Volume 3)

Mary E. Lowd is a science fiction and furry author; her husband Daniel Lowd is a computer science professor. You can learn more about Mary’s writing online. The sequel to this story, the novella When a Cat Loves a Dog, won an Ursa Major Award!

Mat Weller is the servant to a lovely family in eastern Pennsylvania. After his wife and kids go to sleep at night, he sometimes re-watches old episodes of X-Files on Netflix and other times retires to his basement booth where he records noises that get played on the Internet. Rumor has it he also makes delightful chocolate chip cookies. Learn more by following him online or on Twitter.

Topher checked his watch and peeked out around the dusky red stage curtain.  There was a full house in the bar tonight.  If he played them right he could get all the tips he needed, and tonight could be the greatest night of his life.  He put a paw to his face, pulled down on his tawny-furred jowls, and drew a deep breath.  "Okay," he said, softly to himself.  "Let's go."

Click here to listen to Episode 209
Click here to read the text of the story

Tags: Cast of Wonders, cats, Daniel Lowd, dog, Humor, Jeremy Carter, love, Mary E. Lowd, Mat Weller, romance, stand-up comedy, stereotypes, Young Adult fiction


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Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 02:30:27 PM
This was pretty fun, and sweet.  It seemed like the reveal of the cat-as-significant-other was meant to be a surprising twist--it seemed pretty clear early on to me that would end up being the case.